
2010-03-26 9:48 am
Just as anti-gay conservatives are far more threatened by stable, bourgeois same-sex couples (who want to get married!) than by anonymous bathhouse sex or exhibitionists parading in leather jock straps, nothing would undermine the official line on drugs more than lots of respectable, otherwise law-abiding people admitting that they smoke marijuana without ruining their lives. Very few responsible recreational users, however, are likely to risk the legal consequences of coming out of the closet.
The medical marijuana initiatives bypass that problem. They introduce a prospect even more threatening to the status quo: What kind of mean-spirited person, after all, would deny sick people relief? As Jim Christie reported in REASON, even Pat Buchanan sympathizes with patients who need pot, as did Newt Gingrich back in 1981. Yet if thousands--or even hundreds--of average Americans suddenly start admitting in public that they smoke marijuana to relieve various illnesses, the demonization of the drug can't be sustained.
The Clinton administration is trying mightily not to appear to be attacking physicians. When asked about what they planned to do to deter doctors from recommending marijuana, Shalala and her law-enforcement colleagues--Attorney General Janet Reno and drug czar Barry McCaffrey--dodged desperately. "This isn't about physicians," said Shalala. "This is about truck drivers. It's about workers in federal buildings. It's about teachers." In other words, it's about doctors and their patients.

回答 (3)

2010-03-26 8:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
醫療大麻舉措繞過這個問題。他們推出的前景更威脅到現狀:什麼樣的卑劣的人,畢竟生病的人會否認救災?正如吉姆克里斯蒂報告的原因,甚至布坎南同情病人誰需要鍋一樣,紐特金里奇於 1981年。然而,如果成千上萬 - 甚至數百 - 美國人的平均突然開始在公開場合承認他們吸食大麻,以減輕各種疾病的妖魔化的藥物不能持續。
克林頓政府試圖表現強勁不似乎攻擊醫生。當被問及他們打算如何阻止醫生的建議大麻,沙拉拉和她的執法同事 - 司法部長珍妮特雷諾和藥物沙皇巴里麥卡弗里 - 迴避拼命。 “這不是對醫生說:”沙拉拉。 “這是卡車司機。這是關於工人的聯邦大樓。這是關於教師。”換句話說,它是關於醫生和病人。
參考: --
2010-04-04 8:41 pm
正反快樂保守主義者由穩定,中產階級的同性恋人(誰更威脅想要結婚!) 比由遊行在皮革Jock皮帶的匿名公共浴室性或好表現者,什么都更比承認的許多不會破壞在藥物的正式線可敬,否則守法公民他們抽大麻,无需破壞他們的生活。 非常少量負責任的消遣用戶,然而,可能冒把隱蔽狀態轉為公開的風險法律後果。
醫療大麻主動性旁路問題。 他們介绍威脅對現狀的遠景: 什麼樣心胸狹窄的人,終究會否認病态的人安心? 作為吉姆在原因報告的Christie,甚而Pat Buchanan同情需要罐的患者,在1981年象Newt Gingrich後面。 ,如果數以萬計--甚至上百--一般的美国人突然開始承認公開他們抽大麻解除各種各樣的病症,藥物的惡魔化行動不能被承受。
克林顿政府強大地设法不看上去攻擊醫師。 當询问什麼他們計劃做阻止医生推薦的大麻、Shalala和她的法律執行同事--珍尼特・雷諾首席檢察官和藥物沙皇巴里McCaffrey--绝望地推託。 " 這不是關於醫師, " 說的Shalala。 " 這是關於卡车司机。 它是關於聯邦大廈的工作者。 它是關於teachers." 換句話說,它是關於医生和他們的患者。
2010-03-26 10:26 pm



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