
2010-03-25 10:53 pm
我明天見一份shipping同一份reception既工, 各位高手可否幫我翻譯英文呀, 謝謝謝謝!!

shipping自我介紹 :
你好! 我叫xxx, 今年xx歲, 對shipping工作已有4年經驗, 對上一份工作因為福利一般, 所以辭掉了。曾經做過的公司都是trading公司, 負責garment, garment accessary, 木材, 電子, 包裝等。我日常負責聯絡貨運代理及船公司落訂單; 與中國工廠聯繫催促他們交貨期; 做單 - 包括invoice, packing; 出入口報關; 轉單; 處理LC文件及LC申請等。
本人對工作很熱誠, 與同事相處亦很融洽。

reception 自我介紹 :
你好! 我叫xxx, 今年xx歲, 對reception工作有1年多的經驗, 因在過往的公司學習能力高, 估此很快進昇了做shipping的工作, 一做之下便做4年了。現希望轉回做reception一職因為覺得shipping工作比較機械式, 而reception工作就比較靈活多變。
本人對工作很熱誠, 與同事相處亦很融洽。

唔要Google翻譯呀!!! thanks!!!

回答 (5)

2010-03-26 1:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
shipping self-introduction:
Hello! My name is xxx, year xx-year-old right shipping work for more than four years of experience in the previous job because of well-being in general, so quit. Companies are trading had been done the company is responsible for garment, garment accessary, timber, electronics, packaging. My daily responsible for liaison with freight forwarders and shipping companies who place the orders; contact with China, urging them to factory delivery date; do alone - including the invoice, packing; import and export declarations; turn single; processing application, etc. LC documents and LC.
I am very sincere to work with colleagues to get along very harmonious.
But is also very interested in the job and hope your company for giving me the opportunity to study and work,
Finally thank you for giving me this interview.

reception self-introduction:
Hello! My name is xxx, year xx-year-old work on the reception more than a year of experience, because in the past the company ability to learn high, estimated to do this quickly rose into the shipping work, a chance to do so under 4 years a. We now look back to reception to do a post because we feel that shipping more mechanical work, while the reception work is more flexible.
I am very sincere to work with colleagues to get along very harmonious.
I am very interested in the job and hope your company for giving me the opportunity to study and work
Finally thank you for giving me this interview.
參考: 我
2010-04-03 11:04 pm
shipping self-introduction:
Hello! My name is xxx, year xx-year-old right shipping work for more than four years of experience in the previous job because of well-being in general, so quit. Companies are trading had been done the company is responsible for garment, garment accessary, timber, electronics, packaging. My daily responsible for liaison with freight forwarders and shipping companies who place the orders; contact with China, urging them to factory delivery date; do alone - including the invoice, packing; import and export declarations; turn single; processing application, etc. LC documents and LC.
I am very sincere to work with colleagues to get along very harmonious.
But is also very interested in the job and hope your company for giving me the opportunity to study and work,
Finally thank you for giving me this interview.

reception self-introduction:
Hello! My name is xxx, year xx-year-old work on the reception more than a year of experience, because in the past the company ability to learn high, estimated to do this quickly rose into the shipping work, a chance to do so under 4 years a. We now look back to reception to do a post because we feel that shipping more mechanical work, while the reception work is more flexible.
I am very sincere to work with colleagues to get along very harmonious.
I am very interested in the job and hope your company for giving me the opportunity to study and work
Finally thank you for giving me this interview.
2010-03-30 2:36 am
Hello! My name is xxx, year xx-year-old right shipping work for more than four years of experience in the previous job because of well-being in general, so quit. Companies are trading had been done the company is responsible for garment, garment accessary, timber, electronics, packaging. My daily responsible for liaison with freight forwarders and shipping companies who place the orders; contact with China, urging them to factory delivery date; do alone - including the invoice, packing; import and export declarations; turn single; processing application, etc. LC documents and LC.
I am very sincere to work with colleagues to get along very harmonious.
But is also very interested in the job and hope your company for giving me the opportunity to study and work,
Finally thank you for giving me this interview.

reception self-introduction:
Hello! My name is xxx, year xx-year-old work on the reception more than a year of experience, because in the past the company ability to learn high, estimated to do this quickly rose into the shipping work, a chance to do so under 4 years a. We now look back to reception to do a post because we feel that shipping more mechanical work, while the reception work is more flexible.
I am very sincere to work with colleagues to get along very harmonious.
I am very interested in the job and hope your company for giving me the opportunity to study and work
Finally thank you for giving me this interview.
2010-03-28 3:44 am
shipping self-introduction:
Hello! My name is xxx, year xx-year-old right shipping work for more than four years of experience in the previous job because of well-being in general, so quit. Companies are trading had been done the company is responsible for garment, garment accessary, timber, electronics, packaging. My daily responsible for liaison with freight forwarders and shipping companies who place the orders; contact with China, urging them to factory delivery date; do alone - including the invoice, packing; import and export declarations; turn single; processing application, etc. LC documents and LC.
I am very sincere to work with colleagues to get along very harmonious.
But is also very interested in the job and hope your company for giving me the opportunity to study and work,
Finally thank you for giving me this interview.

reception self-introduction:
Hello! My name is xxx, year xx-year-old work on the reception more than a year of experience, because in the past the company ability to learn high, estimated to do this quickly rose into the shipping work, a chance to do so under 4 years a. We now look back to reception to do a post because we feel that shipping more mechanical work, while the reception work is more flexible.
I am very sincere to work with colleagues to get along very harmonious.
I am very interested in the job and hope your company for giving me the opportunity to study and work
Finally thank you for giving me this interview.
參考: me
2010-03-26 3:49 am
1. 顧客服務大使 2. 品牌推廣大使

_中五或同等學歷 (大專/大學生優先考慮 )

_操流利廣東話 , 略懂普通話 及英語

_性格開朗 , 外向及有良好溝通技巧

_主動積極 , 有責任心 , 具備團隊合作精神


_提供本地及海外訓練 , 福利好 , 良好的晉升機會



名額有限 . 額滿即止

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