
2010-03-25 9:13 pm
少年不識愁滋味,愛上層樓; 愛上層樓,為賦新詞強說愁。
而今識盡愁滋味,欲說還休; 欲說還休,卻道天涼好個秋。
- 辛棄疾

回答 (6)

2010-03-25 11:45 pm
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When young, I didn't know what anxiety was and liked to go to the top of towers for sightseeing. For writing new poems, I forced myself to feel like distressed then. Now, I have it to the full and want to pour it out, but keep silent at last, keep silent at last, just say it is a cool and fine autumn.

2010-03-26 10:43 pm


2010-03-26 4:37 am
Walking up a floor after another as he likes to the top, a lad grumbles
about worries he never has come across but just for the sake of writing a
poem out of them.

Knowing well as time goes by what worries are all about , he hesitates to talk about them, and again he refrains to, and turns to praise the pleasantly
cool weather of the Autumn.

Xinqiji or Sun Hei Dzet
參考: my English knowledge
2010-03-26 12:48 am
When I was young and had no sense of worries, wanting to escalate for excellence; wanted to escalate for excellence, to create new phrases to express sadness.

Now that I experienced all the sorrows, wishing to speak of it but ceasing; wished to speak of it but ceased, I rather speak of the cool breeze in Autumn so fair.
參考: me
2010-03-25 11:12 pm
Juvenile does not taste of sorrow was unknown, love story; love story is sad.
Having tried weight, talking; talking now cool autumn.
參考: me
2010-03-25 10:54 pm
The youth does not know worries the taste, loves the upper formation building; Loves the upper formation building, to bestow on the new word to say worried.

At the present knows worries the taste, wanted saying that also rested; Wanted to say also rests, actually said the day cool good fall.

-Xin Qiji
參考: yahoo聰明筆

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