CE Geog 地理 map reading的問題(急)!

2010-03-25 9:06 am
做map reading練習時,
1. knoll
2. col
3. saddle
4. shoulder
5. ridge
6. fetch
7. pass
8. escarpment

唔該可唔可以解釋以上的geographic terms, 同埋盡量形容地圖上那些features的形狀呢?
THANK YOU (>o<)//

可以用英文解釋那些的geographic terms嗎? thanks

回答 (1)

2010-04-04 10:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. knoll- a small, isolated hill on a slope

2. col- a piece of lowland between two hilltops of similar height

3. saddle- a piece of lowland between two hills of different height

4. shoulder

5. ridge- a long, narrow range of mountains ang hills

6. fetch

7. pass- a piece of lowland between two high mountains usually with a road passing throught

8. escarpment- a hill with one steep side and one gentle side
參考: Mastering Skills in Junior-form Geography Module 4, 第8係自己

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