
2010-03-25 7:35 am
如果作為大學交流生去美國/英國/澳洲/加拿大,可唔可以係當地搵工做? 工作時間上限係幾多?

回答 (3)

2010-03-26 1:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
美國 - J-1 Exchange Student Visa does not allow Employment (Both Full/Time Time)

英國 - 2 Choices

(More than 6 months) Tier 4 General Student - Allow Student work up to 20 hours a week
(Less than 6 months) Tier 4 Student Visitor - Does not allow employment

澳洲 - Subclass 571 (Non Award Student Visa) allow 20 hours a week employment

Canada - Student Permit Allow 15 hours a week employment.
2010-03-25 8:51 pm
The answer will be it depends:

1. The type of visa that you will get.

2. The approval of the sponsoring organization.

So there is no definite answer.
2010-03-25 7:08 pm


可以了解自己的 適合的系所、考試運勢、事業求職、求財金錢



網址: http://www.life-guide.com.tw/item.php

免費的, 推薦你算一下^^

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