Burglary and Theft

2010-03-24 11:29 am
What is the difference between Burglary and Theft ?

Burglary: This is the breaking and entering of a person's home with the intent to commit a theft or felony.
Theft: A person commits a theft when they exert control over another's property without authority, and with intent to deprive that person permanently of that property.

但我都係唔係好明白... 可以解釋明一點嗎?

謝謝 !

回答 (2)

2010-03-25 11:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
但我都係唔係好明白... 可以解釋明一點嗎?

Techincally termed. All 3 term have carry different degree of severity into their nature of crime.

Theft - Simple Theft, mean you steal something (Not necessarily a thing, could be service or data) by that it mean you obtain something illegally from someone. And in mostcountry theft is only limited to an amount which worthed little in local currency (500 USD under US law, 1000 AUD under Australian Law)

For theft that worth larger amount, that crime was called grand laceny.

Burgary - Burgary is much like theft, that is obtain something from someone illegal, but burgary also implicate the meaning of "Intrusion " That's why Burgary is frequently related to B&E (Breaking and Entering)

Many people misunderstood that burgary is committed once the "theft" happened inside a properties (House, apartment, office and so on.) But infact, if you invite someone to your house, apartment or office, it will not be burgary, it will be theft.

Robbery - Robbery is one step up from burgary, but instead of implicating the meaning intrusion, it now implicate the offender illegally obtain someone asset by Brute Force . That's mean in the 2 former case, the victim may or may not be aware of the crime took place, but in robbery case, the victim would need to aware the crime in progress and involved in the crime.

For obtaining something from someone illegally by using DEADLY FORCES , that refer to Armed Robbery, which is the prime crime in all those category.

2010-03-25 03:59:45 補充:
Case in point.

Case 1 ) In an open house, a thief pretent to be a visitor, and stole a painting inside the open house, the painting worth 200 USD, then it is a simple theft.

2010-03-25 04:00:51 補充:
Case 2 ) In an Open House,a theif pretented to be a visitor, and scout the location, he return to the open house after the visiting is close, he pick the lock and steal the painting inside, that's B&E and Burgary.
2010-03-24 3:40 pm
靜悄悄乘人不覺拿走財物便是偷竊(theft); 明目張膽地破門入屋強搶便是爆竊(burglary). 中英文也很易辨別. 偷竊賊較膽小, 如被人發現多會逃走; 爆竊賊多兇悍, 如被人發現, 會襲擊屋主甚至殺人滅口.

2010-03-25 17:19:22 補充:
有一個人,之前俾人踢爆再幾個account玩自問自答,又引用n年前唔updated ge 移民入境法律係度四周吹水。


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