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In the presence of externalities, society's interest in a market outcome extends beyond the well-being of buyer and sellers who participate in the market to include the well-being of bystander who are affected indirectly.
主句: Society's interest in a market outcome extends beyound the well-being of buyers and sellers.
Why so? 何以這樣說呢?
(1) because there is the presence of externalities (external factors) outside of the market. 因為除市場以外,還有其它社會上的因素存在。 (例如:就業,居屋 等)。
(2) because bystanders (through these factors) are affected indirectly by the market outcome. 因為無參與買賣的人 (由於這些因素) 會間接受到市場交易结果的影响。
Therefore? 所以呢?
Society's interest in a market outcome includes the well being of the bystanders. 社會對市場交易结果的關注,包括了無參與買賣的人的福利。
Who are the buyers and sellers? 誰是買賣雙方?
Buyers and sellers are those who participate in the market. 買賣雙方就是參與在市場交易的人。
由於有市場外的因素存在, 社會對市場交易结果的關注,不單是參與在市場交易的買賣雙方的利益,還包括了間接受到市場交易结果影响的那些無份參與買賣的人的福利。