sulfuric acid-calculate concentration of ions?

2010-03-23 3:55 pm
Calculate the concentration of SO4^2- ions in a 0.010 M aqueous solution of sulfuric acid.
Calculate the concentration of HSO4- ions in a 0.010 M aqueous solution of sulfuric acid.

H2SO4--->H+ + HSO4-
HSO4- ---->H+ + SO4^2-

Ka2 = [H+][SO4^2-] / [HSO4-] = 0.012

回答 (2)

2010-03-23 9:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
assuming 100% dissociation :
[H+]= [HSO4-]= 0.010 M

HSO4- <=> H+ + SO42-
0.010 .. . . .0.010
-x .. . . . . . . +x. . . .+x
at equilibrium
0.010-x. . . . 0.010+x. . x

0.012 = ( 0.010+x)(x)/ 0.010-x

0.00012 - 0.012 x = 0.010 x + x^2

x^2 + 0.022 x - 0.00012 =0

x = - 0.022 + sq.rt ( 0.000484 +0.00048)/2 = 0.0045

[SO42-]= 0.0045 M
[HSO4-]= 0.010 - 0.0045=0.0055 M
2016-12-09 2:26 am
Molecular weight of H2SO4 = 2+32+sixty 4 = ninety 8 interest = [0.21]/ninety 8 in 025l = [0.21]*4/ninety 8 moles/l =.00857 Assuming one hundred% ionisation and each and each H atoms lost - verify in this Conc H+ = .017 Moles/ Litre Take Log = -a million.seventy seven for that reason pH = a million.seventy seven

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