
2010-03-24 6:17 am

回答 (5)

2010-03-27 5:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is impossible!

Magnesium is more reactive than iron. It is because iron is transition metal. It is more stable than alkali earth metals.

Reason: Alkali earth metal(magnesium)'s outer shell has only 2 electrons. But iron has 8.The electrons on outer shell is fewer, the atom is more reactive.

The order in reactivity (desending):

alkali metals>alkali earth metals >transition metal >p-block elements>halogens>noble gases
參考: ilovescienceclub^^
2010-03-25 1:19 am
Your question have question ! (you say use engilish would be the best)
參考: My opinion
2010-03-24 6:09 pm
No, Magnesium is more active, Mg2+. If u put Mg into the water, it will dissolve very fast with burning fire. But, if you put the Iron, Fe2+, into the water, it only sink tothe bottom and it needs longer time to react with the water to get rust!!

In the periodic table, It shows that Magnesium is a very active atom.
2010-03-24 6:54 am
咩啊.. mg is more reactive than iron 啊@@

2010-03-23 22:54:58 補充:
好似係佢d magnesium d neutro 有d唔之咩problem

2010-03-23 22:55:08 補充:
2010-03-24 6:53 am
You are wrong , it is magnesium more reactive than iron . Please refer to the reactivity series---K , Na , Ca , Mg(magnesium) , Al , Zn , than Fe(iron) ,....& etc. According to series magnesium is more reactive than iron .Refer to the periodic table , the most reactive metal is K(potassium) which is in the top of the first column from the left , Mg is in the mid of second column but iron is even further from the left of the transition metal.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:09:48
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