
2010-03-23 10:32 pm
1.where would your dream house be?what special features would it have?
2.what kinds of rules do you have in your life?how do you feel about them?
3.what plans do you have for your future eduaction or career?
4.what plans do you have for a family life or retirement?
5.what kind of news(national,international,sport,etc)is the most interesting to you? you think people can really use their imagination to escape reality?why or why not?

prepare a 2 minute answer for each auestion

回答 (1)

2010-03-24 2:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.My dream house would be in Hawaii which would be next to the beach. First of all, Hawaii is a very nice place. The weather is perfect at most of the time and the people are very nice. Also, my house would be so close to the beach so I can always go swimming at the beach or just lay out on the sand and relax. Secondly, my house would have a swimming pool and hot tub. So I can invite my family or friends to have a party at weekend. Besides that, I like cooking so I need a big kitchen to cook some nice food.

2.I have many rules in my life. But one of my rules is being honest. I think most of the people would not hang out with the dishonest people; especially the people are in relationship. If my partner lied something to me like hanging out with some girls without telling me. If i find it out, I will be so disappointed with him even he doesn’t cheat on you. And I would be so hard to trust him again because he hurt you. It takes time to me to trust someone. Besides that, timing is my rule in my life. I would get late or turn my homework in late sometimes but I will get much better every time. One of my friends always late when I hang out with her. Once, I waited for her more than 3 hours at the restaurant. She was late not because of traffic jams or another agency problem. And she tried to have some excuse to cover her fault. It was really pissing me off. Actually, I would wait for someone no longer than 15 mins. That’s my limit. Maybe you will say that I'm impatient but why can’t they be on time?

2010-03-23 18:13:12 補充:
3.I have planned my future education for a long time. I will have a study abroad. I would love going to United Kingdom or untied states to study. Even though the tuition is so expensive but I will try my best to go there.

2010-03-23 18:13:37 補充:
I can have more opportunities to learn better English. English is around the world. If I can speak very well English, then I can have a better chance to get a better job. Nowadays, no one would hire the people without speaking English to have a very well salary.

2010-03-23 18:13:47 補充:
Especially, I will study business administration manager in university. After I graduate for the school, I can be a business manager or manager in the company.

2010-03-23 18:18:18 補充:
I have answered all those question but i cant post it here because the words limit. i have been sending those to you with question4 to , hope i can help you, if you have any question, you can send me an email =]

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