
2010-03-23 8:08 pm

回答 (2)

2010-03-24 9:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
There is no education requirement to be employed in the United States as:

1. An employer must sponsor you for the visa, regardless of the types of visa.

2. Your employer must cerify that the hiring does not intend to substitute local labor force.

3. Your employer must pay you prevailing wage of the market (as it can't be lower than local labor force).

Having a Bacehlor degree or higher can easily land you on a high-skill position. But it is not an requirement. Occupations that allow non-degree holders are chefs (in the past), nurses.
2010-03-24 3:50 am

1. 顧客服務大使 2. 品牌推廣大使

_中五或同等學歷 (大專/大學生優先考慮 )

_操流利廣東話 , 略懂普通話 及英語

_性格開朗 , 外向及有良好溝通技巧

_主動積極 , 有責任心 , 具備團隊合作精神


_提供本地及海外訓練 , 福利好 , 良好的晉升機會



名額有限 . 額滿即止

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