急......好急....要翻譯, 請英文高手幫忙

2010-03-23 8:27 am
Dear Mary,
(請幫手睇下d gammer啱唔啱同埋順便幫手翻譯成英文,)
Per our phone conversation in last week, we have negotiate the unit prices about your product, also noted you could offer the prices as previous order subject to the order quantity base on your MOQ (3K per model), right?當時,我們還說訂單數量方面,我們要和客人商討才決定,但好遺憾,今天a小姐通過電話通知我們, 即使達到MOQ數量, 也不能回復舊價, 但承諾會另外商討而另外提供一個比較好的價錢,但不能回復舊價.但我們希望的是你們能提供之前的價錢給我們..而不是一個較好的價錢.
另外,你提及上星期的商討價錢是Mary和我司一位先生, 但請注意,我公司是沒有男性的sale, 不知為何你和Mary的溝通會出現誤會, 你可否跟mary澄清所有的細節..

回答 (3)

2010-03-23 2:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Mr,. X,

As we discussed over the phone last week, you have agreed to offer us the same price (or to maintain the price is also OK) as in our previous order providing that the order quantity would not be less than the minimum order quantity(MOQ) (i.e. 3,000 units per model). As we needed to confirm with our clients, I therefore advised you that our order quantities would be confirmed later. Unfortunately, we received a call from your Miss A today advising that your company could not offer the last price to us even if we could order the MOQ. She suggested to offer us a favarable price, which was higher than our last purchase price, to us instead. In view of our long term business relationship, I should be grateful if you would kindly re-consider to offer us the last price as we agreed earlier.

Meanwhile, you mentioned that Mary of your company negotiated the price with a gentleman of our company last week. You may wish to know that our company does not have any male salesperson. I should be grateful if you would clarify this with Mary as it seems that there is some misunderstaning in the communication between you and Mary.

Yours sincerely,


1. I have not followed your essay exactly so as to make the presentation better.
2. As you are making a request, your tone should be more friendly. Please note that the tone should depend on who your audience is.

3. If prices of different items are not the same, you should use 'prices' rather than 'price'.

Hope this improved sentence can help you.
2010-03-23 2:41 pm
Per our phone conversation in last week, we have negotiate the unit prices about your product, also noted you could offer the prices as previous order subject to the order quantity base on your MOQ (3K per model), right? Time, we added orders, we must discuss before making a decision and guests, but a good saddened that today, a lady informed us by phone, even if the number to reach MOQ, we can not return to the old, but promised to discuss other while providing a relatively good price, but the can not return to the old. But we want is that you can provide to us before the price .. not a good price.

Also, you mentioned last week, Mary and I discuss the price, Mr. Division 1, but please note that I is not male sale, I do not know why the communication between you and Mary will appear misunderstanding, could you clarify all the details with the mary .
2010-03-23 8:37 am

2010-03-23 11:13:41 補充:



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