
2010-03-23 7:48 am
無論貴公司會作出減價與否, 都請重新填寫內附之報價單並密封交回本公司

不要翻譯軟件, 謝謝

回答 (4)

2010-03-23 1:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
無論 = whether / no matter/ regardless of
貴公司 = your company
會作出 減價 = allow a price reduction / give a discount / lower the price
與否 = or not
都請 = please
重新填寫 = fill in again (once again) / fill out again (once again)
內附之報價單 = the attached quotation / the enclosed quotation
並密封 = sealed
交回本公司 = return to our company (us)

Some examples:

Whether your company would give a discount or not, please fill in the enclosed quotation again and return the same to us in a sealed envelope.No matter your company would allow a price reduction or not, please fill out the atttached quotation once again and return the same to our company in a sealed envelope.Regardless of any price reduction to be allowed by your company, please fill in the enclosed quotation again and return the same to us in a sealed envelope.No matter you would lower the price or not, please fill out the attached quotation once again and return the same to our company in a sealed envelope.P.S. You can have many different combinations.

2010-03-23 5:18 pm


2010-03-23 7:59 am
Regardless an offer of price reduction is made or not by your company, please fill in the details of the quotation form attached and submit to us in a sealed envelope.
2010-03-23 7:56 am
英文:Price reduction will be made regardless of your company or not, please re-fill and seal included quotations from the return of the Company.

日文:貴社は作り出して値引きしますかどうかことができ(ありえ)るのに関わらず、 すべて再び同封するオファーシートを書き込んでそして密封して当公司を納めます頼みます

韓文:귀사는 만들어 내서 값을 깎는 것인가 아닌가 수 있어 (있을 수 있어) る의에 관계 없이, 모두 다시 동봉하는 오퍼시트를 써 넣어서 そ 해서 밀봉해서 당공사를 바칩니다 믿습니다

法文:Baisse de prix sera faite indépendamment de votre entreprise ou non, s'il vous plaît re-remplir et sceller inclus des citations du retour de l'entreprise

荷蘭文:Prijs verlaging zal onafhankelijk van uw bedrijf of niet, worden gemaakt gelieve re-fill and seal opgenomen citaten uit de terugkeer van de Vennootschap

俄文:Цены сокращения будут произведены вне зависимости от вашей компании или нет, повторно заполнить и печатью включена котировки от возвращения компании

德文:Preissenkungen werden unabhängig von Ihrer Firma oder nicht, machte bitte erneut füllen und verschließen enthalten Zitate aus der Rückkehr von der Gesellschaft

參考: Google

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