adverb 應放在句子的那裡 ???

2010-03-22 5:11 pm
i have this easy question ,
because i saw that adverb is put in the front of the verb , after verb or the end / first of the sentences .

please help me.

回答 (4)

2010-03-22 6:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He crosses the street slowly.
Slowly he crosses the street.
He slowly crosses the street.



2010-03-23 5:31 pm

2010-03-23 6:54 am
All are correct. The only differences are the emphasis and writing style.

Quietly and quickly, the thief stole all valubles from the house. (You put the emphasis on 'quietly and slowly')

He slowly walked down the hill. (The emphasis is on the speed of the walking)

He walked down the street slowly (The emphasis is on 'walk' and you describe it with 'slowly')
2010-03-22 6:05 pm
It doesn't matter. For example:

He crosses the street slowly.
Slowly he crosses the street.
He slowly crosses the street.

They are the same.

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