Netvigator broadband 100MB/s

2010-03-22 2:22 pm
I've been using my router for 8 years and it's getting slower and slower everyday so I decided to get a new modem and plan from netvigator. I was planning to getthe 100MB/s plan but recently I looked up some reviews on the Internet and thatchanged my mind a little bit. The reviews were mainly negative and they said don't get fooled by the word "fibre optics", one of them reported the top speed he'dexperienced was 10 MB/s which made me doubt if the plan was worth it and
some of them also said HKBN is better! I've been a netvigator user for nearly a decade so switching wouldn't be a favorable idea to me, but now I download lots of things from the Internet and I really need a high speed access. What do you think? Is it worth it? Please write if you had any experience and also some HKBN comments please! I don't Ming you answering in Chinese or English.

回答 (2)

2010-03-22 8:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
b166359I has answered most of your questions clearly and precisely, but I want to pitch in an additional concern.

If you are browsing local websites and downloading files with platform/softwares like BT where the source is in Hong Kong, then every service provider is the same (Just don't get Cable Internet!). You can pick the one with the most aggressive discount.

However, if you browse a lot of foreign website (for example,, with live streaming of games), then Netvigator is your ticket to go. PCCW controls the pipeline that connects to outside of Hong Kong, so they have the widest bandwidth.

I am a Netvigator customer also. Their pricing scheme is not competitive (quite expensive for the bandwidth available), but I browse US and European websites a lot, so I stay with them.

2010-03-22 16:04:51 補充:
I forgot if I am using 8MB or 16MB -- 30MB is not available at the complex I am living yet (Tower 1 to 5 are ready for 30MB, while the rest are not). I watch College Football and College Basketball through ESPN and BigTenNetwork from the US.

2010-03-22 16:04:55 補充:
I can get 300~700k streaming with no significant issue. Yes, sometimes there are short lags, but I can live with it. I do switch off NowTV when I watch those sports even through the internet.

2010-03-22 16:05:38 補充:
Unlike Cable Internet, your individual bandwidth through PCCW Netvigator is not affected by how many people are using internet around you at the same time.

2010-03-26 08:56:47 補充:
Ok, if the website you are browsing has a lot of people accessing to it at the same time, then the speed may be affected. But this is not your ISP or PCCW's issue. And I should say, it's insignificant.

2010-03-26 08:56:51 補充:
100MB is really fast for browsing website. Unless you are a business user transferring large files or using video conference all the time, the 1GB plan is not worth the money for residential use.

2010-03-26 18:19:21 補充:
I can't be sure. However, what's the performance with your current PCCW bandwidth plan? If you can't reach the full downloading stream with your current plan, chances are, you are not going to get much faster with a more expensive, bigger bandwidth plan with those websites.
2010-03-22 4:13 pm


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