
2010-03-22 8:13 am

當你在電視上看一分鐘的時間,台下其實已經用了許多時候去準備的,令我明白到要成功是不容易的,不應那麼急進.所以, 未來我會更加用心,去學習新的事物.

回答 (6)

2010-03-22 3:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As we watch a minute of television, it had already been prepared by the people off-stage who were spending so much more time on it. This suggests me that a "true success" can not be achieved easily; not to advance ourselves in any rash, hasty fashion. Thus, I promise myself to learn with a diligent heart in the future.

希望幫到你啦! 我幫你修改左少少野因為要就一就返D英文文法,但係應該都冇改變到你原本個意思.
2010-03-22 6:28 pm
For just one minute of TV broadcasting, there are lots of preparation done behind the scene. That makes me understand that success is never easy and should not be achieved in a radical way. In the future I shall spend more time and effort to learn new things.
2010-03-22 4:32 pm


2010-03-22 8:33 am
When you are watching the TV program a minute, actuality the packager had been preparing to this for a long time, and it let's me understand that success is not easy to get, and we shouldn't be impatient to this. And that's why I will be more hard-working or learn somethings new in the future.
參考: ME
2010-03-22 8:27 am
When you watch TV for one minute, it spends much time to prepare off the stage. this make me understand it is not easy to succeed, and not to so aggressive. So, in the future i will be more attentive to learn new things
參考: me
2010-03-22 8:18 am
When you watch TV a minute of time, the audience is already using a lot of time to prepare, and makes me understand that it is not easy to be successful and should not be so hasty. Therefore, the future I will be even more carefully, to learn new things.

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