proof reading 2

2010-03-22 7:43 am
please explain clearly :

You must make as few changes to each line as possible, and not change the meaning or anything that is already correct! Punctuation counts! Only the most obvious corrections will be accepted!

1 It is no doubt that climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing the world today.

2 Immature teenagers like little children: they want a lot of attention from adults.

3 Let us list out all the options that we have.

4 The questions raised by our opponents worths thinking about.

5 Many parents want their children to enter that school, it is because the teachers are dedicated.

6 The group discussed about the outcomes of the experiment.

7 Macau’s economy growth depends on the success of the new casinos.

8 This restaurant offers excellent service, no matter they are busy or not.

9 Even your schedule is tight, you ought to find time for exercise.

10 For me, I think space exploration is a waste of time.

回答 (3)

2010-03-22 10:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No doubt climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing the world today. [Shortest form]It is in no doubt that climate change…[Longer form]

Immature teenagers are like little children, they want a lot of attention from adults.

Let us list out all our options. [possessive clause]

The questions raised by our opponents are worth thinking about.

Many parents want their children to enter that school because the teachers are dedicated. [cause and effect]

The group discussed the outcomes of the experiment. [discuss about is somewhat Chinglish.]

Macau’s economic growth depends on the success of the new casinos. [adj]

This restaurant offers excellent service regardless they are busy or not.

Even when your schedule is packed, you ought to find time to exercise.


To me, space exploration is a waste of time. [remove redundant subject]I think space exploration is a waste of time. [remove redundant subject]

2010-03-22 4:32 pm

2010-03-22 4:14 pm
1) [There] is no doubt that climate change is one of the biggest challenges [that] [the world is] facing the today.

Also try:
The fact that climate change is the most challenging issue to the mankind is not questionable.

2) Immature teenagers [are] like little children [that] they want a lot of attention from adults.

Also try:
Immature teenagers, just like young kids, require the attention from adults.

3) Let us list out all the options that we have.

Also try: Let us list out all the alternatives that we have left here.

4) The questions raised by our opponents [worth] [for us to think] about.

Also try: It does worth for our attention towards the issues questioned by our opponents.

5) Many parents want their children to enter that school [.] [It] is because the teachers are dedicated.

Also try: That school is highly recommended by parents because the teachers of the school have the dedication towards the student and education.

6) The group [had been discussing] about the outcomes of the experiment.

Also try: The group begun a seminar regarding the experimental consequence.

7) Macau’s economy growth [is depending] on the success of the new casinos.

Also try: The breakthrough in new casinos opened in Macau is responsible for the growing economy of the city.

8) This restaurant offers excellent service[s] [] no matter [that] they are busy or not.

Also try: The service of this restaurant is notably remarkable even if they are busy.

9) [You ought to find time for exercise even your schedule is tight.]

Also try: It seems that you still have time for exercises even you have a tight schedule.

10) I think space exploration is a waste of time.

Also try: Space exploration is such a waste of time to me.
參考: My mind

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