請幫我將篇英文翻譯成中文 急用. 20點!!

2010-03-22 7:37 am
At playtime all the children went out to play but Sally had to stay in for a few minutes to finish off her work. As soon as it was done she went to the shelf where the lunchboxes were kept to get out her apple to eat in the playground. She opened her box, took out the apple and stopped a packet of cheese sandwiches, a flask of drink - but the strawberry yogurt had gone! Sally felt angry and upset at the same time. How could anyone steal from her lunchbox? Quickly, she began opening all the other boxes. She was frightened because she knew that if Miss Brown caught her she would be in serious trouble, but someone had opened her box and taken her yogurt.

In the fifth box she opened, there it was, her special strawberry yogurt. Sally looked at the name one the box and couldn't believe her eyes Emily, her very best friend! Sally did not know what to do. Should she go and tell Miss Brown that Emily was a thief? Should she go and find Emily and tell her horrible she was? No. Sally picked up the yogurt and put it back in her box where it belonged. She remembered she had told Emily about it on the way to school that morning and Emily had said that that it was her favourite too.

When she went into the playground Emily was waiting for her.
What shall we play? Said Emily.
''Go away,'' Sally shouted.'' I hate you. I don't want to be your friend any more!''
Emily ran any crying.
''Good,'' thought sally.'' Serves her right. That will teach her to steal.''
When lunch-time came, Sally ate her sandwiches and then her special strawberry yogurt. Emily was crying and the dinner ladies were fussing around her but Sally went off by herself.
It was art that afternoon. Sally painted a picture of a fireman.
''Had a good day, dear?'' said her Mum when Sally got home.
Sally smiled and nodded.
''I bet you are hungry, aren't you?'' asked Mum. '' You left your yogurt on the yogurt on the kitchen table. What a silly girl!''
Sally just stared at her Mum. What had she done?

仲有一段, Sally couldn't wait until lunch-time. For a treat,mum had put a very special yogurt in her lunchbox. It was the kind that had two parts, one with yogurt and one with fruit. When you were ready to eat it, you tipped one into the other. She had a strawberry one, and that was her favourite

回答 (3)

2010-03-22 7:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
在玩時所有的孩子出去玩,但薩利要留在幾分鐘完成了她的工作。只要是做她到貨架地方飯盒則留她出去吃蘋果在操場上。她打開她的箱子,取出蘋果,不再一包奶酪三明治,1瓶的飲料 - 草莓酸奶,但已經不見了!薩莉感到憤怒和不安,同時。怎麼會有人偷她的飯盒?很快,她開始開放所有其他飯盒。她很害怕,因為她知道,如果布朗小姐吸引了她,她將出現嚴重問題,但有人打開了她的飯盒,並採取她的酸奶。
''我敢打賭,你餓了,不是嗎?''問媽媽。 ''你離開你的酸奶酸奶廚房的桌子上。多麼愚蠢的姑娘!''
2010-03-22 9:12 pm
在播放時間所有的孩子出去玩,但薩利要留在幾分鐘完成了她的工作。只要是做她到貨架地方飯盒則留她出去吃蘋果在操場上。她打開她的箱子,取出蘋果,不再一包奶酪三明治,1瓶的飲料 - 草莓酸奶,但已經不見了!薩莉感到憤怒和不安,同時。怎麼會有人偷她的飯盒?很快,她開始開放所有其他框。她很害怕,因為她知道,如果布朗小姐吸引了她,她將出現嚴重問題,但有人打開了她的包廂,並採取她的酸奶。


''我敢打賭,你餓了,不是嗎?''問媽媽。 ''你離開你的酸奶酸奶廚房的桌子上。多麼愚蠢的姑娘!''

參考: --
2010-03-22 4:32 pm



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