came racing?

2010-03-22 4:07 am
Hi, everybody, I would like seek your kindest help answer my English question.

When I am reading a novel, I see the sentence below,

[My mom CAME RACING to my door]

I wonder that [came] and [race] are both verbs, can one sentence has two main verbs?

Besides, if we treat [racing] as not a verb, what is its word order? Is it an adverb? But it sounds weird.

Or, instead, [come racing] is an idiom?

Could someone who are good at English explain the reason why the sentence in question can be written in this way?

Thanks in advance.

回答 (2)

2010-03-24 7:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
My mom came racing to my door.

My mom..............subject.............我的母親


racing....................adverb.............急急腳地.(racing) which is the present participle
of participle as 1=VERB.....2=ADJ.....3=ADV........唔好誤會是gerund
( gerund )只是(動)名詞=noun as SUBJECT....OBJECT....COMPLEMENT.各有其責.

to my door.............prepositional phrase as [ adj ] 形容 '' 向著我的門口 '' 急急跑來.
......介詞構成 [ 短語 ] 整句可作adj / adv / noun. 來使用. my door.去形容呀mom急急地跑.那就當然 '' 整句 ''是adv.

2010-03-23 23:11:28 補充:
Racing (as adj) car = 賽跑的...車 = 賽車.
2010-03-22 11:20 pm
verb + ing [形容詞]
a racing car
a crying face 嚎哭的臉
came racing 跑來
My beloved cat came racing toward my camera when I was trying to take a picture of him from a distance.

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