請問 呢兩句話 係英文詞彙 有 無 咁 樣 寫 ?

2010-03-21 10:31 pm



回答 (4)

2010-03-22 2:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
True things will never be fake, Fake things will never be true.
2010-03-28 2:45 am
(1) You cannot falsify truth, nor verify lies.

(2) If it is real, it cannot be fake. If if is fake, it cannot be real.

(3) True can never be false and false can never be true.

(4) Verity can never be falsified, nor can falsity ever be verified.

(5) The day will come, when what is true is true , what is false its false, and people will see it.

(6) Truth will never be false, and fraud can never come true.

All from free newspaper
參考: headline daily 25/3/2010
2010-03-23 9:33 pm
17 Dec 2009 ... She said, “Real can't be fake, fake can't be real.” Beijing Premiere

2010-03-23 13:34:14 補充:
13 Aug 2009 ... By stating that "the real can't be fake, and the fake can't be real" (“真的假不了,假的真不了”),
2010-03-22 7:39 pm
「真的假不了,假的真不了」這 類 看 似 有 寓 意,其 實 說 了 等 於 沒 說 的 空 洞 語 句,o係 英 文 詞 彙 係 無 咁 樣 寫。

Direct translation is:

The real can't be unreal, the unreal can't be real !

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