hi , i am learning german

2010-03-21 10:19 pm
hi i am learning geman n have a question !

what is the difference between " geschäft" and " laden" ?

How to use them?

then need to remember 配其它詞頭時規定 or there is a logic for remembering? Thanks a lot!

回答 (2)

2010-03-21 11:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
在標準德語 (高地德語) 中好像沒有分別﹐都可以用來解store或者shop。雖然store和shop是不同。不過德文好像沒有分開?配其它詞頭時則有規定shoe store das Schuh-geschäft (e) bookstore der Buchladen (ä)

2010-03-22 15:48:47 補充:
2010-03-21 11:47 pm
Geschaft is business and a noun.
Laden = cargo or goods or loading something noun and verb depends where you use it.

Ich hoffe dass sie das oben verstehen.

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