\”做好自己本份\” 英文

2010-03-21 9:52 am
"有冇做好自己本份" 英文係乜野?


回答 (6)

2010-03-21 10:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)Did you pull your weight?

2)Did you do your part?

Go Green, Earth Hour, did you do your part? -

2010-03-23 16:20:29 補充:
Definition of "PULL YOUR WEIGHT" from google dictionary:

to work as hard as everyone else in a job, an activity, etc. 盡本分;盡職責

2010-03-24 03:04:31 補充:
既然是要"地道講法", 簡短是重要元素, 因為西人口語一個重大特色是簡短.
2010-03-24 10:21 am
自己本份 = your responsibilities / obligations on your part
做好 = 完成/ 履行 = fulfil

有冇做好自己本份 = Have you fulfilled your responsibilities/ obligations on your part?
2010-03-21 6:31 pm
I will do my part the best
2010-03-21 2:56 pm
'' Have you well done your own duty. ''

" 有冇做好自己本份. "
2010-03-21 12:58 pm


2010-03-21 11:36 am
There's a few way of saying this:

Did you try your best? OR Did you do your best?
Did you give it all you've got?
Did you do your part?
參考: Me

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