
2010-03-21 8:00 am

1. With a catapult in his clothes, he walked around in the garden for three consecutive mornings.
2. The bird stretched its neck and wanted to eat the cicada unaware of the waiting catapult below.

老帥說 With a catapult in his clothes 沒有subject, 所以第一句要這樣改 He took a catapult and wandered in the garden for three consecutive mornings. 第二句要這樣改: The yellow bird stretched its neck and wanted to eat the cicada is unaware of the waiting catapult below. 老帥的說法又如何呢?請指點。

回答 (3)

2010-03-22 2:00 am
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您好 ~~~

您的老師所改的,第一句正確,第二句我本人就覺得有點兒問題 ~~

1. With a catapult in his clothes, he walked around in the garden for three consecutive mornings.

在句子的一開頭,您就必須先指明那個 subject,這麼句子才是正確的。

He took a catapult and wandered in the garden for three consecutive mornings.

在開頭如果沒有 subject,就不會知道您想說的是誰了……

2. The bird stretched its neck and wanted to eat the cicada unaware of the waiting catapult below.

這一句句子,開頭的是沒有錯誤「The bird stretched its neck and wanted to eat the cicada」,之後您就想說,不留意那個想射牠的彈弓。

木人會改作「The bird stretched its neck and wanted to eat the cicada but it is unaware of the waiting catapult below.」


以上都是本人的一些意見,如有錯誤,歡迎來信指教 ~~!

希望可以幫到您 ~~~~~
參考: Yogi
2010-03-21 5:45 pm
1. 刪除 "walked around in..." 中的 around。

2. 將 "unaware of...below" 移到 bird 之後,前後加逗號,變成 "The bird, unaware of...below, stretched its neck..."
2010-03-21 1:01 pm



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