request for

2010-03-20 6:50 am
如果request作為verb, 係唔係唔使跟for ?

If you request my information, ....

回答 (4)

2010-03-20 5:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
request 之後跟唔跟prep.=for? 那要看你用作verb or noun.

只有vi才用prepositional phrase 去修飾.

如作noun用在[ 短語 ]時就可用prep.去組句:
Request for something to do....是一phrase沒有S+V+O.

2010-03-20 09:30:42 補充:
If you request my information.....'' is OK ''
2016-04-20 6:40 am
can I say: I have requested the refund?
2010-03-20 8:44 am
If you request my information,...
If you have a request for my information,...
2010-03-20 7:02 am
Request for [something}

If you feel thirsty, you should request for some drink.

Request to do some thing

You are requested to submit an application ...

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