
2010-03-20 1:50 am

1. 介紹的樂器﹕

2. 請貼上所介紹樂器的圖片﹕

3. 樂器簡介﹕

回答 (5)

2010-03-20 11:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
菲律賓是東南亞的島國, 先后受到過中國,馬來文化的影響,曾由原住民和馬來移民建立過一些封建,割据的王國.近代則了成爲西班牙和美國的殖民地,1946年宣告獨立.由於西班牙300多年,美國近50年殖民統治,菲律賓的主流文化是歐美式的,大城市的居民多講英語,信仰基督敎,小城市和鄕村的居民講西班牙語,信仰天主敎.
西班牙的音樂文化對菲律賓影響大,在廣大的中部地區尤其如此,菲律賓的合唱發達,幷具有較高的水平,這與長期傳播的天主敎宗敎音樂有密切關 ,西方的樂器如管風琴,鋼琴,小提琴,吉他等早已傳入,菲律賓的芭 舞團也有相當高的水平.而且一種稱爲《朗達亞》(Rondalla)的彈撥樂隊實際上是西班牙樂器的再現,西班牙的《 塔》(Jota)舞曲在菲律賓以同名稱出現,服裝,舞姿也都相同.此外,在西洋音樂影響下,也派生出《巴利套》(Balitaw)《昆地曼》(Kundiman)等新的歌舞音樂體裁.總之,可以說菲律賓在東南亞十國中,西洋音樂的水平是最高的.但也有人認爲菲律賓是在東南亞“將自已原有的傳統忘記得最多的國家”.

Bandurria  墨西哥傳統吉他


A 14 string bandurria used in many Philippine folkloric songs, with 16 frets and shorter neck than the 18 string bandurria. This instrument probably evolved in the Philippines while the Spanish occupation occurred, from 1555 to 1898.

The Filipino bandurria is used in an orchestra of plucked string instruments called rondalla.

The bandurria is a plectrum plucked chordophone from Spain, similar to the cittern and the mandolin, primarily used in Spanish folk music.

The original bandurrias of the Medieval period had three strings. During the Renaissance they gained a fourth string. During the Baroque period the bandurria had 10 strings (5 pairs). The modern bandurria has 12 strings (6 pairs). The strings are tuned in unison pairs, the lowest four strings a major-third and the highest two strings a fourth above a standard guitar, to G#, c#, f#, b, e and a.

Picture and also further information: http://www.answers.com/topic/bandurria-1
2010-03-28 5:31 pm
2010-03-25 5:02 am
2010-03-20 6:38 am
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