Okay, so which one is harder??? and why?

2010-03-18 1:39 pm
which one is harder??
A Masters/Phd level scientist to be able to keep their faith?
or An atheist in a fox hole while being bommed all around him not reach out to God?

OKAY, MY ANSWER I think it can be harder for scientist and especially for those with higher IQ's. because they always are looking at how things work all the way down to the electrons, neutrons, etc. For the rest of you to know, I am a born again Christian . I have a degree in Occupational Therapy which is a strong scientific background.

回答 (18)

2010-03-18 2:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I know the thought that there's no atheists in foxholes came from a General during a war. I believe that. It's one thing to act brave when things are going well, but once you face death, reality tends to reach in and grab you. I vote for this one.

I have a PhD and it's very easy to keep my faith in God, especially with all the science that surround the Bible.
2010-03-18 1:41 pm
A person who reaches out to god is not an atheist. Being an atheist means that you don't believe that there is a god. If you reach out, then you believe.
2010-03-18 1:42 pm
My thesis, my thesis...oh precious loves the tenure, yes yes,

I'd say the scholar believing in the fairy tail is harder to maintain than the guy getting the stuffing blasted out of him going on with out God.
2010-03-18 1:57 pm
You'll likely find that a majority of physical scientists are already atheists by the time they embark on their PhD.

Also, if you hang around this board long enough, you'll see occasional responses from atheist soldiers back from Afghanistan or elsewhere who'll tell you they'd never think of praying under fire, being more concerned with taking cover, establishing and assessing the threat and then responding. My own discussions with former combatants confirms that.
2010-03-18 1:45 pm
There are plenty of atheists in foxholes. Being shot at doesn't magically make someone believe in your particular god. Danger doesn't make a person not a skeptic. And in a life or death situation, they let their training take over, not suddenly start blubbering for an imaginary friend. Now if they're not a skeptic, who knows. Maybe they'll reach out to Ares or Tyr.

So my guess is it's harder for a Master's PhD level scientist to hold onto their faith. If their branch of science deals with observing and anylizing the world around us, then they spend a lot of time in contemplation and have to deal with no evidence of any interventionist deities. They have to compartmentalize, and even if they keep their faith, it probably drifts towards deism.
2010-03-18 2:02 pm
Someone in the middle of battle is more concerned with dodging bullets and taking out the enemy than figuring out which deity s/he should pray to.
參考: daughter of military parents and grandparents, army, navy and air force
2010-03-18 1:53 pm
Why would an atheist want to reach out to god.... ?
If I was in a fox hole while bombs were being bombed all around me, I'd be freaking out and trying to get myself out of that f*cker lol
2010-03-18 1:48 pm
Annie, there are many doctoral level scientists who keep their faith, if they are believers to begin with. Working with science and nature just reinforces belief in a Supreme Being who created the symmetry of the Earth and the way things work together in nature, how bodies heal after trauma, surgery, etc., and how the messages in Proverbs ("the stars sing together", "the songs of the deep"--referring to whales' nosies) have proved to be true. I would imagine that an atheists in a fox hole would have a rude awakening if he finds himself without anyone to call on for comfort.
2010-03-18 1:44 pm
Why would an atheist be in a fox hole?

Wait is the fox hole medaphorical?
2010-03-18 1:48 pm
I like this question. I'm gonna give it a star.

Someone said getting a Ph.D is harder than sitting in a foxhole getting bombed with artillery.

Watch Band of Brothers, and listen to the interviews about the Battle of the Bulge, the Ardennes forest, and Bastogne. Then do some research on the people who were there.

You will then see your comment is utterly wrong.

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