there you go 點解 ? (114)

2010-03-18 10:35 pm
there you go 點解 ?
意思和 here you go 一樣嗎 ?

另外 :

1. How did you know I was coming ?
點解要用 was coming 過去 ?
用其它時態可以嗎 ?

2. I miss you already.
miss 現在式, 可以跟already 一起嗎 ?

3. We might be leaving now
點解要用might, 表示不肯定嗎 ?
如果用may, 可以嗎 ?

4. 如果問人 : 裡面有甚麽 ?
英文是 : What do you get there ?
或是 : What did you get there ?

5. You guys tell them your were married ?
用現在式tell 可以嗎 ?
用 are gonna tell 會好些嗎 ?

謝謝 !

回答 (3)

2010-03-19 12:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
there you go

假如是你請人幫你手做點事,他做完了,把那事項交出來,便可以說,there you go,意思是給你看一件客觀事情,所以用there的「那個」

here you go
又或有時你問人取一點東西,如mc記要多兩包茄汁,對方給你時便會說:here you go.


1. How did you know I was coming ?
點解要用 was coming 過去 ? 因為全句都是past tense,而且問這句時事情已經過去了。
用其它時態可以嗎 ? 由於上面理由,不可以。
你去了一個地方(例如一個party),你沒有預先告訴這個你問話的人,party之中他說I knew you are coming!意思是他在你來之前已經知道你決定來。你才會問:How did you know I was coming?你如何(在我來之前)知道我(已經)決定來了。

2. I miss you already.
miss 現在式, 可以跟already 一起嗎 ?
可以!不是有already便一定用perfect tense的。當然I've miss you already.沒有錯,但意思是「我已經在一個時刻前記掛你」 - 代表現在應該沒有那麼記掛了。I miss you already意思是「我自從那一刻開始一直記掛著你」,present tense (miss) 有永恆的用意,但用already表示時間上的(己經)。

3. We might be leaving now
點解要用might, 表示不肯定嗎 ?對!
如果用may, 可以嗎 ? may是「可能」,might是「或者可能」,比可能更不肯定。

4. 如果問人 : 裡面有甚麽 ?
英文是 : What do you get there ?
或是 : What did you get there ?
正確應該是: What do you get IN there? What do you have there?
用present tense已可以了,因為問問題的時間和在裏面的東西都是現在時間。
不過假如你知道那裏面的東西是很久以前放進去的,用past tense也可以,所以要有點處境才能比較。

5. You guys tell them your were married ?
用現在式tell 可以嗎 ? tell可以,因是一句?即是即時對話。這是一句問題,原句正確合文法的寫法應是(Do) you guys tell them you were married?由於說話的人用音調可以把句成為問句,說話是可以省去提問Do的。假如他們是昨日告訴them他們是已婚,咁就應該是You guys told them you were married? (yesterday)
用 are gonna tell 會好些嗎 ? 不對,意思不同。你的提議便會是:
Are you guys gonna to tell...你們是否將會告訴他們...;跟原句現在式表示他們應該在前一陣子已經說了意思不同。
「you guys」是那對男女主角。
2010-03-19 12:10 am

there you go?
Something you say when teaching someone. Usually to encourage or indicate they have done something right.

here you go?
Mostly used when a person is passing on a file in a chat room.

1. How did you know I was coming ?
coming[adj.] 即將到來
用past tense "WAS"

2. I miss you already (and you're not even gone).
In this case "already" refers to the fact that even though you have only been gone a short time(or you are not even gone), but I have already come to miss you.

3. We might be leaving now

4. 如果問人 : 裡面有甚麽 ?
英文是 : What do you get there ?
如果問人 : 得到甚麽 ?
是 : What did you get there ?

5. You guys tell them your were married ?
指示/吩咐/命令, 用現在式tell
Sit down, class.
Boys, stand up.
2010-03-18 11:27 pm
for the very first question, i dun know

it depends on the time the action taken it is not a must.

q2) it is a bit strange to say miss you already 你想講唔見左定想念?

3) 你可以用may

4) 用what can you get from there?

5)are gonna tell means are going to tell
usually the sentence was said so past tense should be used.
if the guys have said it just now use present perfect tense

You guys have told them you were married?
參考: my knowledge

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