Roots of equation

2010-03-18 8:18 pm
1.) If t is a root of the equation px^2 + qx +r =0, then the other root is
A. r/pt
B. r/t
C. q-t
D. q/p-t
E. -q/p+t

2.) a is a root of the equation f(x) =0. By the method of bisection, it is known that
1.732 < a < 1.736
What can we conclude?
A. a= 1.7 ( 2 sig,fig )
B. a= 1.73 ( 3 sig,fig )
C. a= 1.74 ( 3 sig,fig )
D. a= 1.734 ( 4 sig,fig )
E. a= 1.735 ( 4 sig,fig )

回答 (1)

2010-03-18 8:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)Let the other root be x :
Product of roots = xt = r/p
x = r/(pt) ,
Answer : A
2) a may be 1.733 or 1.735 , i.e. 1.73(2 sig.fig) or 1.74(2 sig.fig) ,
we can conclude a = 1.7(2 sig.fig) only.
Answer : A

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