
2010-03-18 8:00 pm
我見到有好多人話考listening考試比d 長天線收音機干擾, 話要反佢地, 咁其實係咪真係會干擾到呢?會or唔會,個原因and原理係咩?如果會,點解考評局唔禁止d人用?
ps.考試係用香港電台第2台 (好似係fm926), 唔知有冇關係呢?

即係用長天線收音機唔會干擾其他收音機既, 因為條長天線唔會放電波, 亦冇所謂ge interference 出現? 老師, 你最後指的"physical disturbance"係阻礙視線的意思? 我之所以有咁ge問題係因為見到: http://www3.uwants.com/viewthread.php?tid=6162809&extra=&page=1 點解咁多人都會覺得長天線收音機會干擾其他收音機?

回答 (2)

2010-03-18 11:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Just from the physics perspective, antenna in radio is only for receiving signals. A radio would not transmit any radiowaves through its antenna. There should not be any interference with other radios nearby.

The prohibition of using a "long anetnna" in a crowded public examination hall is just to avoid causing physical disturbance to other candidates siting at the vicinity.

2010-03-19 20:04:30 補充:
Q:你最後指的"physical disturbance"係阻礙視線的意思?
This refers to any nuisance caused by the long antenna, as it may easily hit other candidates sitting next to you.

2010-03-19 20:11:47 補充:
From the web discussion that you refer to, there is no confirmation that the use of a long antenna will cause (radio) disturbance to others. In fact, the quality of radio reception depends very much on the location inside a room and the direction of the internal antenna.
2010-03-19 8:47 am
只係長天線唔會干擾收音機既, 無線電干擾有好多原因, 有啲電機及電子電器都好可能干擾收音機既, 如微波爐電磁爐等等, 就算你用兩架收音機靠近接收訊號都會干擾既, 如果附近有人用無線電對講機, 無線電遙控玩具, 甚至無線電控電動門都會干擾, 你唯有轉換地點聼收音機啦。

2010-03-19 17:26:49 補充:

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