
2010-03-18 7:08 pm

Date : (ddmmyy)


Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to certify that Mr. Chan XX, holder of Hong Kong Identity Card No.XXX, is employed by our company as a XX and has been in that position for the period from XX XX to XX XX XX.

During the period of his employment, he is responsible for the publishing of advertisement, production of name cards and handling contracts/documents.

He is leaving us of his own accord for pursuing his new study path and we wish him success in his future career.

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of

YY Company Ltd.


回答 (3)

2010-03-20 7:48 pm


Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to certify that Mr. Chan XX, holder of Hong Kong Identity Card No.XXX, was employed by our company as a XX for the period from XX XX to XX XX XX.

His duties included publication of advertisement, production of name cards and handling contracts/documents.

He left us for pursuing further study and we wish him success in his future career.

Yours faithfully,

XXX (Manager)
For and on behalf ofYY Company Ltd.
2010-03-18 9:35 pm
This is to certify that Mr. Chan XX, holder of Hong Kong Identity Card No.XXX, is employed by our company as a XX and has been in that position for the period from XX XX to XX XX XX.

This is to certify that Mr. Chan XX, holder of Hong Kong Identity Card No.XXX, was employed by our company as a XX for the period from XX XX to XX XX XX.

During the period of his employment, he is responsible for the publishing of advertisement, production of name cards and handling contracts/documents.

During the period of his employment, he is responsible for the publication of advertisement, production of name cards and handling of contracts/documents.

He is leaving us of his own accord for pursuing his new study path and we wish him success in his future career.

He is leaving us on his own accord for further study/ more job exposure and we wish him success in his future career.
2010-03-18 7:33 pm
"is employed by our company as a XX and has been in that position" 應用過去式 "was employed by our company as a XX and had been in that position"。

同樣,"he is responsible" 改為 "he was responsible" 和 "He is leaving" 轉為 "He left"

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