RMA term 貿易

2010-03-18 6:43 pm

請問何謂 RMA Term ?

If spare %2.00% :
We just accept 30months warranty without spare or 2% spare without warranty. PLEASE CHOOSE ONE!

RMA term if exceeding spare %:
"if over 2%, credit based on last paid invoice price
based on report from Trust, and Trust will scrap the RMA locally in NL ? "
We can support you 2% color box replacement for free only

後面RMA 這段話這是啥意思 ?


回答 (2)

2010-03-18 8:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
RMA 退換貨認證單
Short for Returned Materials (or Merchandise) Authorization, an alphanumeric identifier used by hardware manufacturers that indicates a user has been authorized by a company representative to return a product to the manufacturer for repair or refund.

版主, 您好!
有些被認為有瑕疵的商品有時可由與售方人員的聯繫中獲得解決, 故商品要求退換前應與售方人員聯繫, 認定確有退換必要時由售方人員出具「退換貨認證單(RMA)」, 伴隨商品退回, 方可獲的換貨、維修或退款.

If spare %2.00% :
We just accept 30months warranty without spare or 2% spare without warranty. PLEASE CHOOSE ONE!
本公司只接受(1)無備用量但提供30個月保證期或(2)提供2%備用量但無保證期. 請擇一而行.

RMA term if exceeding spare %:
"if over 2%, credit based on last paid invoice price
based on report from Trust, and Trust will scrap the RMA locally in NL ? "
We can support you 2% color box replacement for free only
如超出2%, 依最近發票價格給予折讓
須以Trust之報告為憑, 且Trust將於NL當地簽發退換貨認證單.
參考: 國貿專業經驗
2010-03-18 7:33 pm
return material authorization (RMA) term 原廠維修條款

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