arise & raise 用法

2010-03-17 6:51 pm
1. The comment raised in your letter.....
2. The another incident arised again.....

呢兩個字字形及意思差不多,經常混淆,可否教下點用 ?

回答 (3)

2010-03-17 8:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案

另有一個字RISE 「升起」/「上升」,這個跟raise才有點混淆。

2010-03-17 7:44 pm

Raise 絕大部份時間都用作 transitive verb (及物動詞),例如: He raised a question. The comment was raised in your letter.

Arise 只用作 intransitive verb (不及物動詞),例如: Another incident has just arised. A new question arises.

留意 question 是 被 raised 的, 但是自巳 arise 的。

參考: myself
2010-03-17 7:50 pm
It may be better to explain this in Chinese,

Raise means someone brings up something (comment/question etc). it is 提出的意思,係主動詞
Arise means something happens. it is 冒出,發生的意思,係他動詞

Hope this helps

Francis from Canada

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