Correct my english sentance

2010-03-17 5:10 pm

Recently, my TV was found out of order.

回答 (9)

2010-03-17 8:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Recently, I found my TV was running out of order.
參考: 希望可以給你作個參考la~
2010-03-23 8:19 pm
Thank you all of you.
2010-03-17 10:08 pm
004 gives the most sound correction.
2010-03-17 9:44 pm
Your sentence is for spoken English.

Proper written English will be
My TV was out of order last Sunday.= TV was out of order for one day only.
My TV has been out of order recently = TV has been out of order for some time and it is still out of order now
My TV has been out of order since last Sunday. = TV was out of order last Sunday and it it still out of order now.
2010-03-17 7:19 pm
The correct answer is
Recently, my TV has been found out of order. (present perfect tense).
The reason for using present perfect tense is that your TV was out of order a few days/a few moment ago and it is still out of order now. When we use the words "recently" or "lately", we usually use present perfect tense to describe this situation. This is English usage.

2010-03-17 11:20:55 補充:
(present perfect tense in passive voice)
2010-03-17 7:13 pm
I agree with 001's answer. For 002, although the sentence without the word "found" is grammatically correct, it doesn't carry the same meaning. For example, consider this sentence. "The man was dead" does not mean the same as "The man was found dead".
2010-03-17 7:08 pm
If you use "Recently", do you mean that the TV is still out of order now? If so, I suggest to change to "my TV is out of order recently" or "my TV is not working properly".

Otherwise, you may replace "recently" with "lately". "my TV was out of order lately" or "my TV was not working lately".
2010-03-17 6:46 pm
2010-03-17 6:45 pm

2010-03-18 13:45:34 補充:
個 found 字不可刪除,否則意思會改變。用中文講:「我的電視最近壞了」和「我發現我的電視最近壞了」並不相同。

還有,如果不用簡單過去式而用過去完成式就有邏輯問題。因為「發現」電視壞了的這一個動作是一個 instant 動作,你斷不會從上星期(舉例來說)到講這句話時仍然在「發現」電視壞了!

至於「Recently, I found my TV was running out of order」這句文法錯誤。

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