
2010-03-17 10:54 am

回答 (3)

2010-03-18 12:57 am
✔ 最佳答案

乙型肝炎在亞洲非常普遍, 但在西方國家就非常少見.
據我淺知, 西方國家覺得乙型肝炎比愛茲病更可怕, 因為乙型肝炎潛伏期長, 感染力大, 及致命率高 (每4個乙型肝炎帶菌者有1個會有肝癌, 而90%肝癌病人存活期不過3年). 所以乙型肝炎帶菌者係唔可以移民美國, 英國, 澳、紐及大部份歐洲國家嘅. 美國及加拿大之移民政策大同小異, 所以乙型肝炎帶菌者應該都唔可以移民加拿大.

參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2010-03-18 3:59 pm

Actually, no one could answer your question definitely, unless the answer is the one who giving you the health check.....

The answer could be yes or no, depend on your Panel Doctor.....

Can a peron have Hepatitis be admitted to Australia?

It could, according to DIAC guideline on health requirment, there are only 3 exclusable dieases that prevent someone from entering Australian border.

Those are:

2.) TB
3.) Obese/Underweight Individual

And asker should know, unless the person is pregnant, apply under refugee status or under australian welfare protection, an Permanent Resident holder does not even need to check specifically for Hepatitis.

That being said, under Australian Medicare System, a person would be declared a health risk if he/she have hepatits, and Australian Immigration have to power to refuse entry to such person if they sees it as a health risk.

So, in the end, it all come down to, if your panel doctor (operate under HSA) thought that you are a health risk.

For more information, you should refer to Form 1071i for more information on health requirment

Can a peron have Hepatitis be admitted to Canada?

Official stand point is NO. As Citizenship and immigration Control can refuse someone enter Canada if they have infectious dieases. Hepatits is counted as one of them, but then so does influenza.

The key to the point is, unless you are an active carrier of the diease, you should be going past thru CIC okay, but then again, you still need to declare that you have hepatitis and let you in or not is up to the total discretion of the immigration officer.

參考: My wife used to work for DIAC and we migrated to Canada in 2007
2010-03-17 6:26 pm
醫療報告都好描象, 個個唔同觀點, 唔係點解曰日勞資法庭, 都係打緊- 醫療觀點既官司, 搵個幫到你既囉.

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