
2010-03-17 8:32 am

回答 (3)

2010-03-19 8:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1) 但你之前系可以抄 notes ,

睇住 notes 答咪得 !

( 睇住 notes 答:

吾系 test / exam 佢吾會鬧你 )

重會覺得你會勤力 / 有留心上堂 )

2) 知佢今日會教邊課 ,

你先預早溫定/ 睇下 !

2010-03-19 3:05 pm
take little time each day to study the stuff your teacher will teach next day.

so, when the teacher ask people question later,,,,hahaha, you should be the smart one in the class who will answer first-------------because you already know what it is last night..

see this as a game you play in the class, soon you will be very proud to yourself.
2010-03-17 9:44 am

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