
2010-03-17 7:22 am


回答 (3)

2010-03-17 7:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When 可以有以下的用途:
1. if (假如/當) 的意思:
如果是這個用途, when 都可以以 'whenever/everytime (that)'取代啊!
e.g. when you heat ice, it turns to water
(當你熱冰, 它會變成水)

tense 一般都是 'when verb(present tense), verb(present tense)'

2. as / while (表示時間的):

a. 一句有2actions, 較短的就是when後面個個了~
tense : 'when verb (past tense), was were verb (ing from)'
e.g. mary was having dinner when the phone rang
(在mary食dinner昤, 個電話響.)

b. 2action 是immediatly發生的/接著出現的
tense: 'when (past), (past)'
e.g. i kewn there had been an accident when the polic came

c. 要講在過去的一個時間發生的事
tense: 'when (past), (past)'
e.g. my mother call me BB when i was a baby.

3. 何時 (題問時用的):
e.g. when did you set off for your trip last week?
then 個個人可能告知你他出發的日期

e.g. when did you go to swimming yesterday?
then 個個人可能告知你他遊水的時間, 2.00p.m.etc.

參考: 我希望你會明白la~
2010-03-17 9:52 pm
When do you go to school everyday? = present tense question
When did you go to school yesterday ? = past tense question
When will you go to school on Friday? = future tense question

When I am on holiday, I will visit my grandparents.
When I am going to school, I meet Mrs Lee. = present continuous tense
When I was young, I used to go to my grandparents home once a week. = past tense.

When it rains, we will cancel the picnic = has the meaning of IF)
Please change it when it is possible. = present tense (when has the meaning of IF)
2010-03-17 9:33 am

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