
2010-03-17 12:34 am
1) 在這段英文上,The phenomenon of judicial reviews, many of which against government policies, should not be viewed negatively as being a hindrance to government, but rather as the essential foundation of good governance, Chief justice Andrew Li Kwok-nang said Monday.

but rather as the essential foundation of good governance呢句點解唔使有主動詞?

2)在這段英文上,Speaking at the City Hall to mark the official opening of the legal year, Li said judicial reviews had become so common that the phrase “JR” was “rolling readily off everyone’s lips.” He said the phenomenon of judicial reviews had redefined the SAR’s legal landscape. There were 132 judicial review applications last year, slightly less than the 150 each in 2004 and 2005.

Speaking at the City Hall to mark the official opening of the legal year呢句點解唔使有主動詞?

回答 (3)

2010-03-17 4:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q1 ; 是因為but是[介詞],唔好誤會是conj. 整句是prepositiotal phrase.

Q2 ; 整句也是phrase.''短語'' 沒有s+v+o.由noun/adj/prep/participle=speaking./infinitive=to mark./gerund as noun=opening所組成.

2010-03-16 20:20:31 補充:
2010-03-17 8:40 am

adverb 是副詞,不是助動詞;助動詞是 auxiliary verb。
2010-03-17 1:42 am

1)" but rather as the essential foundation of good governance" 在這句子中用
作 noun phrase, 它的主動詞就是該句子的 " should not be reviewed ",
這樣的句法可以避免了再重複一次該動詞也如" The phenomenon of........
government polices,should not be reviewed negatively as being a .........
but should rather be reviewed as the essential foundation........of good

2)" Speaking at the City Hall to mark the official opening of legal year,"在這
句子中用作adverb phrase以描述主動詞 " Li said judicial....." 的'said' 也。
請留意如一般助動詞一樣, 助動詞語句- adverb phrase-不一定要放在主動
詞的後面, 但其作用一樣也。
參考: my English knowledge

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