20分 請翻譯中文 ==> 英文

2010-03-16 8:48 pm

*== 我為人隨和、細心、做事有耐性,好關心身邊人既感受同需要,我既朋友都認為我係一個幾好既聆聽者。喺中學時期,我已經好積極參與各個社福機構舉辦既義工活動,例如係社會福利署同女青年會等。我體會到社會各個階層很需要他人的扶助,並深明「施比受,更有福」這個道理。

*== 本人現職會計,雖然會計份屬專業行業,在我來說,卻不如社福界般別具意義 / (意義深厚)。

*== 我的姊姊是一位社工,她經常跟我分享工作上的點滴。她深深感染了我,讓我了解到社工是一個很有挑戰性且別具意義的職業,我更立志要成為一位社工。我願意為不同服務對象工作,尤其係幼兒和小朋友。希望憑著自己的力量,使人與人之間多點關愛,為弱勢社群爭取權益和福利,改善社會問題 (如種族岐視),從而促進社區共融。

*== 要放棄現有職業需要很大的勇氣,然而,我下此決定並沒半點猶豫 / (經過慎重考慮的)。我認為這種勇於嘗試及不屈不撓的精神也是當社工的必備條件。

*== 我對貴校開辦的社會工作課程很感興趣,特別是心理學和實地考察。在此希望 貴校能給予在下一個機會,以實現本人當社工的理想。

*== 對社工行業的期望

訂立最低工資 (保安/清潔行業)

回答 (4)

2010-03-18 2:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Being amiable, meticulous and patient, I always care for those who are in need( I am very considerate of others' feelings and needs) . My friends think that I am a good listener . During high school/secondary school, as a volunteer, I had actively participated in the events organised by various social welfare organizations such as the Social Welfare Department(SWD) and YWCA . Through participation in these events, I knew more about what different classes in our society need and learnt a truth : Alms giver will get much more happiness than recipient.

Although I have been engaging the professional industry - accounting, I think that working for the scocial welfare sector is very meaningful .

因為時間問題, 容後再譯.

2010-03-18 21:15:48 補充:
Correction : My friends think that I am a good listener ----- > People around me think that I
am a good listener .
My elder sister is a social worker, and she always shares some experience of social services with me . Her spirit of helping those who are in need

2010-03-18 21:23:07 補充:
(with heart and soul) has affected positively and greatly me but also enables me to understand that social job is very challenging and meaningful. I am willing to work for the interest of different social strata, especially for children.

2010-03-18 21:47:30 補充:
I hope that I will strive for the fostering of more passions among people , the protection of the interest and social welfare of the Disadvantaged, the improvement of social problems(e.g. racial discrimination, sex discrimination), thus promoting the common harmony of community .

2010-03-19 23:14:56 補充:
In deed, it takes courage to give up current profession. Nevertheless, I don't waver my decision after taking serious consideration. The brave attemp and unyielding spirit is also the condition which is indispensable to a social worker , I think.

2010-03-19 23:22:17 補充:
I am very interested in the programme "Social Work" your institute offered, especially psycology and on-the-spot investigation . I hope that your institute can grant me a valuable chance to achieve my ideal - joining the social welfare industry .

2010-03-19 23:44:25 補充:
My expection for the social welfare industry : Social worker is an ideal lifelong job to me . It is my expection that the enthusiasm mentioned above would be maintained for long even though I have worked as a social worker for some several ten years .

2010-03-19 23:58:10 補充:
With objectively independent thinking and unyielding spirit , I will get this job done .
Vocabularies : 1. on-the-spot investigation 2. bring benefit to all mankind 3. study 4. commit suicide 4. try one's best to do (something) 5. set up a group 6. Thailand riot

2010-03-20 00:08:20 補充:
7. raise funding 8. ignore(verb) 9. increase self-confidence 10. enhence publicity 11. running off of job vacanies 12. set up minimum wages (the industries of the security and cleaning) 13. 14. The Integrated Family Service Centre 15. The Family planning Association

2010-03-20 00:11:13 補充:
16. The Women Association 17. The Integrated Youth Service Center 18. The Social Welfare Department(SWD) 19. Goverment/Public Hospital

2010-03-20 00:23:06 補充:
I sincerely hope that your great ideal - bringing benefit to the poor people in our society will be achieved with your efforts in future . Moreover, I wish that your dream would come true .
2010-03-17 3:21 am
*== I the manner amiable, careful, work indefatigable, good cared that the personal maidservant already feels the same need, my already friends thought that I am several good already listening respectfully. 喺 the middle school time, I was already good participate in each society lucky organization conducting already the voluntary worker positively to move, for example is Social Welfare Department with the YWCA and so on. I realized social each social stratum needs other people's assisting very much, and deep bright “Shi Bishou, has the luck” this truth.

*== myself current position accountant, although accountant the share is the specialized profession, in me, is actually inferior to society luck other significance/(significance deeply).

*== my elder sister is a social worker, she shares in the work frequently with me the intravenous drip. She infected me deeply, lets me understand the social worker is one has the challenging very much, and other significance's occupation, I resolve to become a social worker. I am willing for the different target client work, to be especially the baby and the child. The hope by reason of own strength, causes between the human and the human the multi-spots shows loving concern, strives for the rights and interests and the welfare for the weak trend social group, the improve society question (for example race discrimination), thus the promotion community altogether melts.

2010-03-16 19:22:21 補充:
must give up the existing occupation needing the very big courage, however, under me this decision does not have the least bit to hesitate/(process to give careful consideration). I thought that this kind dares attempts and the indomitable spirit is also works as social worker's essential condition.

2010-03-16 19:22:28 補充:
*== I am interested very much to your school launch's social work curriculum, specially psychology and on-the-spot investigation. In this hoped that your school can give in the next opportunity, realizes myself to work as social worker's ideal.

2010-03-16 19:22:45 補充:
to the social worker profession's expectation social worker for me is one ideal lifelong professional, I expected after working as social worker dozens of remaining years of life, still could maintain this sincerity, completes this work by the independence objective ponder and the indomitable spirit
2010-03-16 9:43 pm
*== I am a man amiable, meticulous and patient work, and good care for the needs of a person is to feel the same, I am both friends think I am only a few good listener. Where is the secondary school, I have a good active participation of various social welfare organizations in both the volunteer activities, such as the YWCA, etc. with the Department of Social Welfare. I appreciate all levels of society in great need of assistance of others, and found that "facilities than to receive, more blessing" this truth.
*== I am serving the accounting, while accounting were a professional industry, for myself, but not as good as the social welfare sector as a special meaning / (meaning strong).

*== My sister was a social worker, and she always told me to share bits of their work. She was deeply infected with me so that I know of social workers is a very challenging and worthwhile career, I aspire to become a social worker. I am willing to work for different clients, particularly those infants and children. With its own efforts hope to make more love between people, in order to fight for the rights and welfare of disadvantaged groups, improve social problems (such as race discrimination in), which promote community harmony.

*== To give up an existing career takes a great deal of courage, but I did not hesitate to make this decision / (After careful consideration). I think this is the indomitable spirit of courage to try and also as a prerequisite for social workers.

*== I run your school is interested in social work courses, especially in psychology and site visits. In the hope that your school can give the next available opportunity to achieve my ideal when the social worker.

*== Industry's expectations of social workers

Social workers have told me it is an ideal career, I expect a few more than ten years later when the social workers can still maintain that goodwill, an independent and objective thinking and perseverance to accomplish the job.

2010-03-16 13:44:52 補充:
Field trips

Benefit of all mankind



Best to Gua


Thai riot

Increase the funding


2010-03-16 13:45:00 補充:
Increased self-confidence


Job losses

Minimum wage (the security / cleaning industry)


Family Service Center

Family Planning Association

Women's Club

Children and Youth Integrated Service Center

Social Welfare Department

Government / public hospitals
2010-03-16 9:07 pm
I for one, carefully, with patience, good care about people around you feel need, my friends think I of a few good both listener. Get off the middle period, I have actively participated in various NGOs organized both volunteer activities, such as the Department of Social Welfare Department with young women. I appreciate sectors need others to support, and Paul is, the better ".

* = = Accounting, although I am serving the accounting profession is, for my part, but not as good as the sector as meaningful/(meaning deep).

* = = My sister is a social worker, she often work with me sharing needles. She is infected with a variant of the me, make me aware of social workers is a very challenging and meaningful career, I aspired to become a social worker. I am willing to work for different services, in particular, of the object in child care and children. Hope with his own strength, make people more caring for vulnerable groups fighting for the rights and welfare, improving social problems (such as racial discrimination), thereby promoting community solidarity.

* = = To discard your existing professional need, however, under this decision and I didn't hesitate/(carefully). I think the attempt and perseverance is when the social worker is a prerequisite for doing so.

* = = I offer social work courses with great interest, particularly psychology and site visits. I hope that your school can be given in the next opportunity to implement my ideal when a social worker.

* = = On expectations of
Social workers for me is an ideal career, I expect when a social worker for more than ten years later, can maintain a cordial, as an independent objective thinking and indomitable spirit to do the job.

2010-03-16 13:11:26 補充:
Field trips
Fully to the mercy of God
To set up a Subcommittee
Thailand riot
Increased funding

2010-03-16 13:12:06 補充:
Increase confidence
Job losses
Minimum wage (security/cleaning industry)
Family community centre
The family planning Association
Women's Club
Integrated Service Center
The Social Welfare Department
The Government/public hospitals

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