bank draft number

2010-03-16 1:56 am
What is bank draft number?

In my check located in US, there are only the route number. Should I just fill the route number into the draft number blank in the payment form of Hong Kong passport application?

回答 (2)

2010-03-16 3:26 am
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Routing nmmer is for the BANK
Bank draft number is for the CHECK

全世界每一間銀行都有一個 routing number (swift nmber 係俾人用嚟寄錢俾該間銀行用。 如美國銀行的 international wire routing number 係 BOFAUS3N, 而在美國國內匯款, routing number (ABA number) 係 026009593

如果你到全世界任何一間銀行, 要求 銀行出一張本票 - 用銀行名義發出嘅支票, 就係 bank draft 或者叫做 cashier's cheque, bank check, official check, demand draft, teller's check, bank draft or treasurer's check。
bank draft number 就係你用來 in the payment form of Hong Kong passport application 嗰張 銀行本票(bankdraft)嘅號碼。

2010-03-15 19:40:14 補充:
bank draft number 是在銀行本票右上角的號碼, routing number 是在支票左下角。

2010-03-16 06:30:25 補充:
Routing number, swift number 或 ABA number 都係代表間銀行在轉賬時用。
2010-03-16 2:20 pm
there are few numbers on every check.

the bank route number ( like the bank's own ID ). usually before a ---> :

the check account number may after the route number or on the right top corner. ( that is the draft number )---- an ID of that check from xxxx bank.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 21:58:45
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