
2010-03-15 7:47 pm
The stock prices at the close of each day that earnings were announced


請問were 是否出現兩個動詞,而遺反了文法? 還是那是受詞子句,所以吾算遺


吾該 tamkakiu 和 wing2234 我想問問有關wing2234 回答 所有動詞的被動式都是"be + past participle", 所以"were announced"是被動式~ 被動句式中的be + pp be 在這情形不算動詞? 所以在這例如如果were announced 係 被動,所以可以出現兩個 were ? 還是你看少了問題的另一部份? 我指兩個were ,吾係指earnings


吾該 lingthk The stock prices at the close of each day that earnings were announced were$10.$10.5,$11.5, respectively 係書中抄出來 另外,我想問是,這情形兩個were 有冇問題


吾該 [email protected] 請問你說子句 were announced 是動詞,其實被動語,是否指 were 係動詞,還是只要被動語 便是把 be + pp 當晒係動詞, 即 were announced 叫動詞? 另外你說子句動詞係were announced , 主句是係The stock prices at the close of each day ? 如果係這句係主句, 不需有動詞?如果有,那個係?

回答 (5)

2010-03-15 11:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我們把這句拆開就比較容易看。整個 sentence 是 complex sentence 的結構,其實是由兩個 clause 組成:

main clause(主句)—The stock prices at the close of each day were $10, $10.5, $11.5.

單的看這主句,它本身已是一個完整的句子,動詞是 were。


subordinate clause(子句)— that earnings were announced

這個字句加進去是用來形容主句中的 subject。有了這個子句,讀者就比較明確知道作者是指哪些 stock。

這個子句的動詞是 were announced。

我們常說一句只可有一個動詞,其實「句」這個字是指 clause 而不是 sentence。你的例子裡有兩個 clause、兩個動詞,完全正確。

多說一句,這 sentence 有兩個問題:

1. 子句離開要形容的名詞太遠!最好把它放在 stock prices 之後。
2. stock price 不可能有 earning 來 announce;只有 stock 才有 earning 可 announce。這是邏輯錯誤,可考慮把 stock prices 改為 prices of stocks。

2010-03-15 15:48:49 補充:
$11.5 之前最好加個 and
2010-03-16 12:22 pm


2010-03-15 10:36 pm
The stock prices at the close of each day that earnings were announced

were$10.$10.5,$11.5 = we dont understand what you mean =better rewrite it as following.

The closing price of the stocks were$10.$10.5,$11.5 yesterday or last Friday.

Earning of the stock price were announced at the closing time yesterday or last Friday.

The words in bold are verbs
2010-03-15 8:55 pm
在英文中, 每句只會有一個動詞, never have two!!

這句子中"were announced" 加在一起才是個完整的verb!!
"were announced" 是 "announc" 的被動的動詞...
所有動詞的被動式都是"be + past participle", 所以"were announced"是被動式~
the stock prices 是被宣佈而不是自己說話!!

earnings都只是個noun, 而不是個verb~

參考: I hope the aboves can help you!
2010-03-15 8:14 pm

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