
2010-03-15 7:22 pm
我而家讀緊 form 4 (334)
EMI school
4 core subjects, 3 elective subjects
選修 ICT(computer), history(想 drop), biology(極有興趣)
大學想讀生物學, 但無讀 combined science(phy+chem)
如果入到, 生物學讀D咩?

Mainpoint is 無讀 combined science(phy+chem)
so i can't do doctor, nurse...etc

re fluorescentprotein: but how can i choose other science subjects? at school, i can't, coz it has fixed already. in university? but i haven't study chem in secondary school... so, how to choose??

回答 (1)

2010-03-15 9:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Mainpoint is 無讀 combined science(phy+chem)
so i can't do doctor, nurse...etc

You are right! The chance that you become a doctor or nurse is slim.

While you may not be getting great marks in other science subjects, but it is better than nothing!

I think it is better for you to choose a science subject other than biology so that opens up much wider future opportunities.

2010-03-19 14:25:30 補充:
You could choose to take an open exam. In that way, you will study books yourself or join classes outside your school. Of cause take science subjects in your school is a better way of learning.

2010-03-19 14:25:37 補充:
I didn’t study biology when I was in my secondary school too. I now know something about biology afterwards with an extra effort.

None can stop you from learning something but yourself.

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