
2010-03-15 3:14 pm



回答 (3)

2010-03-19 12:56 am
✔ 最佳答案

The first rule of being an secretagent is you need to fight your battle unarmed or you need to improvise.

If you are a secret agent, you should not use any firearm at all. I mean how secret can it be if you go in all gun blazing??


As with any NATO Weapon, i tried FN P90 when i was still in the Military (You are require to know how to operate all NATO Weapon when you were in the US Army, in case you have to pick one up in the battlefield)

Nice little gun, but not suitable to any military uses. It is a personal defence weapon. But since you ain't interested about the military Uses, i won't commment on that further.

What i do is to compare MP5 (The old popula PDW) & MP7 to P90 and specifically, the MP5A5

MP5A5 - 3.08 Kg
P90 - 2.54 KG
MP7 - 1.9 KG

MP5A5 - 680mm
P90 - 500mm
MP7 - 638mm

Accuracy (Barrel Length)
MP5A5 - 225mm
P90 - 260mm
MP7 - 180mm

Rate of Fire
MP5A5 - 800r/m
P90 - 900r/m
MP7 - 950r/m


All of the above have same effective range - 200 meter

Ok, that's the number, but what that mean?

If i were an secret agent, on an inflitration mission, i will probably go for the FN P90. Why? It is the shortest weapon with the longest barrel, that mean the barrel can last longer and i can have better accuracy.

The 0.5 kg different of weight is negliectable and more ammo also mean i can use it for longer between reload.

The 2 answer above fail to mention 1 thing or get this concept wrong altogether, a weapon tent to jam not because they have larger ammo capacity, but simply you shoot too fast and the mechanic cannot catch up. For P90, it is a closed bolt design, that mean the gun only fire when the bullet inside the chamber andthe bolt is in close position. That is the key why P90 actually not very tent to jam very often.

One more thing you need to know is P90 only made up with 6 different component, while MP5 have about 30 and MP7 have about 10.

2010-03-18 16:56:24 補充:
P90 is especially good when the secret agent turn from inflitration to Personnel Protection duty. It is light (Not the lightest) high capacity andstable weapon.

Uzi and P90 is not in the same category, i cannot comment on those 2. Uzi is a SMG where P90 is a PDW
2010-03-18 1:23 am

2010-03-16 6:07 am
P90 原本是用來給坦克兵等非戰鬥人員在坦克或載具被摧毀的情況下讓他們堅持到援兵的到來,由於載具的空間很小而且非戰鬥人員都沒有比前線士兵如此強壯的身體,所以P90 採用犢牛式的無槍托設計並大量使用塑膠,令它的體積及重量大幅下降,連普通人也可以單手連續射擊。

在彈藥方面,P90 採用5.7 x 28 mm 子彈,這種新發明的子彈雖然比5.56 mm 及7.62 mm 輕,後座力也比較少,但卻十分容易穿透防彈衣及防彈背心。50 發的子彈裝在一個透明的長形彈匣,匣機則位於槍的上方。

雖然P90 有很多優點,但也有不少缺點,例如犢牛式步槍槍身過短加上沒有槍托,不容易瞄準,所以就要加上光學瞄準鏡,但這卻令它便得更昂貴,而且光學瞄準鏡不能接觸水(特別是海水),這對上刀山,下火海的特工做成一個不便。

如果要與Uzi 衝鋒槍比較,隱匿性方面Uzi 的體積比較少,但火力較低;準確度方面Uzi 身為一把衝鋒槍原本就不是用來作準確射擊,所以這會令它的準確度比P90 低很多;彈匣量方面P90 使用50發彈匣而Uzi 使用10 - 50 發彈匣( 但50發彈匣很少使用),結果不相上下。
至於當作特工用槍,我覺得兩種槍都不好用,我建議用 HK MP5 或 HK MP7 。

希望幫到你( 我是本周的軍事分類王) 。
參考: 自己

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