
2010-03-15 1:25 am
如果你張八達通係地鐵站唔知去左where!!但係你急要去個fd的生日會.咁你會點做???急要阿...... 80字 要小6程度 要差d


回答 (1)

2010-03-17 3:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Last Sunday,my friend Mary invited me went to her birthday party.When I in the MTR stition,I lost my Octopus card.I don't knew what can I do.I wanted to buy a new Octopus card but already two o'clock.Mary told me should before half past two arrived her home and started the birthday party.At that time,a aunt asked me what's matter with me.I told her I lost my Octopus card.She told me,"You can buy a MTR ticket for this time.You may beqicky.You are go to your friend's party after by MTR."After the aunt go out,I bought a MTR ticket and by MTR.I arrived Mary's home is two fifty o'clock.I was very lucky for met the aunt.

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