
2010-03-14 9:17 pm

a) If two dice are thrown, find the probability of rolling a sum less than 4.

(b) A pocket contains 12 balls, of which 5 are red and 7 are yellow. A boy takes 3 balls at random. Find the probability that the boy will get

(i) all 3 red balls,
(ii) at least 1 red ball.

c) 6 boys and 6 girls are arranged to be seated in a row at random.
(i) Find the number of possible ways that boys and girls are sitting alternatively

(ii) Suppose we have to re-arrange the seats into 2 rows, so that each row consists of 6 seats as shown below.


Suppose that boys and girls are still required to be seated alternatively and each boy sitting in the first row is required to have a girl sitting right behind him, and each boy sitting in the second row are required to have a girl sitting right in front of him. If we are still to arrange the seats at random, what is the probability that we have a correct arrangement?

回答 (1)

2010-03-15 3:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
a) 1/12

b) (i) 5/12 * 4/11 * 3/10
= 1/22

(ii) 1 - all yellow
1 - [7/12*6/11*5/10]
= 37/44

c) (i) 12P12 = 479001600

(ii) (6P6 + 6P6)*2 =2880
[permutation 6P6姐係6!]

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