present continuous tense & pas

2010-03-14 2:29 am
present continuous tense & past continuous tense的分別?

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2010-03-14 3:07 am
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Present Continuous Tense (現在進行式)
1. 表示一個與說話時同步進行的動作(Something is in progress at the moment of speaking):

E.g.: Your father is working, don't disturb him.

Notes:可以運用的副詞: Now, Still, At the moment, At present

2. 表示一個發生時間比現在相差不遠的動作(An action happens around now but not necessarily at the moment of speaking)

Paul: I see your brother is reading the classified ads.
Lily: Yes, he is looking for a job.

這個例子中,阿 Paul 說的 "is reading" 是屬於第一個特性,i.e.: 阿Paul 說話時, Lily's brother 就正在看東西。
而 Lily 用的 正在進行式 就是第二個特性,因為她哥哥近排都在找工作。

3. 表示一個時常重復又惹人煩厭的動作或事情:

E.g.: your sister is always talking in class. You should do something about it.
可選用副詞: always, constantly, continually…etc.

4. 表示一個正在轉變中的事件或計劃了而將進行的事情:

E.g.1: It is getting dark, we would better leave.
E.g.2: It is going to rain.
E.g.3: I am going to investigate this case.
E.g.4: Company is planning to restructure, she will be fired.

Past Continuous Tense (過去進行式)
它的用法與 Present Continuous Tense 相同,只是時態是過去式罷了。
E.g.:I saw Miss Tam yesterday. She was waiting for a bus.

其次,當我們講故事時,都會用 Past Continuous Tense 來描述故事背景,以其他 Past Tenses 來表達事件及動作。
E.g.:I was waiting for a bus. Suddenly I saw a black car stop in front of a bank. Some men got out of the car and rushed into the bank. Soon I heard

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