幫我翻譯成英文. 非常感謝!!!!

2010-03-14 12:43 am
1. the company owes around HK$36 million in back pay to the employees it laid off
意馬國際不負責任意馬國際將意馬製作清盤,受影響員工約三百五十多人,平均月薪大約一萬五千元,當中包括個多月前被裁的一百多人,至今仍未獲任何賠償,而受影響員工部分年資長達十年,估計拖欠二月份八日薪金連同代通知金及遣散費等,合共近三千六百萬元。主要是"阿童木"電影的失敗, 造成了這個後果. 連員工的工資都沒還清.

受影響的員工平均月薪約介乎1.4萬及1.5萬元,其中有部分年資更高達10年,從IPL成立至今,一直與公司共同「打天下」.由於意馬員工佔本港動畫受僱人數一個不小的比重,有些同事亦反映,在香港很少有動畫公司,包括意馬只有三間這個行業的公司,擔心失業後將難以在動畫製作 ,也很難在其他公司找到一職, 前途狹窄, 可能會被迫轉行.

意馬公司為了使損失減到最低, 管理層表明要求員工申請破欠基金,員工批評母公司意馬國際明顯推卸責任,將基金當作提款機,而申請破欠基金而要6-8星期,對一些急需錢的員工影响最大,估計基金需為事件墊支高達二千萬元.

香港意馬公司關閉, 員工的工資和譴散費還沒還清, 但意馬母公司沒有理會, 還叫員工自己申請破欠基金, 難免會讓員工覺得公司袖手旁觀.

5. 促請勞工處調查

* Google 直接翻譯的就不必了...謝謝

回答 (2)

2010-03-14 3:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The company owes around HK $ 36 million in back pay to the employees it laid off
Italy horse international irresponsible Italy's horse international Italian horse manufacture reconciliation, is affected the staff approximately more than 350 people, the average monthly salary about 15,000 Yuan, middle including a month more than 100 people who cuts, until now has still not attained any compensation, but is affected the staff partial periods of service for ten years, estimated is behind in payment on February 8 the salary together with the payment in lieu of notice and the compensation for removal and so on, totals the near 36,000,000 Yuan.Mainly is "Arab League Tong Mu "the movie defeat, has created this consequence. All has not paid off including staff's wages.

2. Staffs are compelled to change professions
the staff average monthly salary which affects to lie between approximately 14,000 and 15,000 Yuan, including a part of period of service to reach as high as for 10 years, from the IPL establishment, continuously is until now common with the company "fights for state power ". Because the Italian horse staff occupies the Hong Kong animation to be employed a population not small proportion, some colleagues also reflected that, very little has the animation company in Hong Kong, including the Italian horse only then three this profession companies, after will worry the unemployment with difficulty in the animation manufacture, also very difficultly found a duty in other companies, the future is narrow, possibly could be compelled to change professions.

2010-03-13 19:40:29 補充:
3. Staffs are requested to apply broken to owe fund
Italy Horse Company in order to cause the loss to reduce to lowly, the management level indicated requests the staff to apply broken to owe the fund,

2010-03-13 19:40:42 補充:
the staff criticizes the parent company Italy horse internationally to shirk the responsibility obviously, fund regard cash machine, but but applies broken to owe the fund to take 6-8 week, affects in a big way to some urgent need money staff,

2010-03-13 19:40:53 補充:
estimated the fund must advance money for the event reaches as
high as 20,000,000 Yuan.

2010-03-13 19:41:04 補充:
4. Criticism parent company stand by.
Hong Kong Italy Horse Company closes, staff's wages and disperses the expense to pay off, but Italian Horse Parent company has

2010-03-13 19:41:15 補充:
not paid attention, but also is called the staff to apply broken to owe the fund, can let the staff unavoidably think the company stands by.

2010-03-13 19:41:22 補充:
5. Urges the work site investigation
to think the Italian horse internationally even if finished serves under somebody's banner the subordinate company also to have the

2010-03-13 19:41:26 補充:
responsibility to look after the staff, urges the work site to investigate whether some people do shirk the responsibility sedulously, abuses broken owes the fund.
2010-03-14 12:57 am

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