what is ocr software?

2010-03-13 11:35 pm
what is ocr software?

回答 (2)

2010-03-14 2:05 am
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OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition, it is a technique of conversion of "images of text" into "true characters".
當你購買掃瞄器(Scanner)時,一般都會附送有OCR software,然後你就可以將一編文章掃瞄(例如雜誌,報紙報導),這個OCR軟件會把文章內的文字在掃瞄後轉變為電腦純文字檔案,得到這個文字檔案, 就可以使用文書軟件如 MS Word, Notepad等進行改編.


除了掃瞄器(Scanner)之外, 有部份多功能打印機都附有掃瞄和OCR功能, 另外部份大型影印機(例如Canon)都會附有OCR功能.

2010-03-14 1:25 am
OCR (Optical chararter recognition) software is for using an optical scanner to convert paper document contents or images into computer text files as more convenient retrieval and storage medium. The OCR software usually comes with the purchase of an optical scanner, but some are sold seperately too, e.g Readiris.


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