Reporting underage child on facebook?

2010-03-12 8:35 pm
If I report an underage child (9), will they or their parents know it's me that reported them? (I'm only reporting them because the child is friends with all these teens who post things about drugs and alcohol).

回答 (9)

2010-03-12 8:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Reporting is anonymous, the Y!A staff will decide if the complaint is valid.
2010-03-12 8:45 pm
OMG, IDK...what would a 9 year old need a fb account for? You're anonymous anytime you report anything to anyone online so long as it is in the terms of service.
2010-03-12 8:39 pm
their parents wont know but im sure they will eventually find out
2010-03-12 8:37 pm
2010-03-12 8:39 pm
no they will not know it is you and even if they did why would you be afraid of a 9 yr old
2010-03-13 12:26 am
I am sure the parents knows about it, right? If not, why don't you just tell their parents? It isn't that hard!

My eight year old son has his own Facebook and I would be mad if someone reported him, because I worked on it forever! He just uses his for friends and family. He also plays Farmville on it, but I would want someone to tell me if someone was posting about drugs. But I don't have to worry about it, because I accpet his friends and read everything. :)

If I was you, I would let the parents know first. I guess if you do that and report the child, they would know it was you.

But, no one would find out that it was you who reported them. That is one of Facebook's policies. :) So, do what you want. At least someone is looking out for this kid!
2017-01-16 1:23 pm
facebook staff would not open any user name out. no matter how the other party (whom you reported) asked facebook staff. they would speak "for confidential reasons. we can not say who reported you"

to your side "we would let them know that their account is problem but would not tell them your name reported them."
2017-01-16 1:18 pm
What Chelsea doing was wrong. her kid is only 8. people can already report her son. it's foolish to let below 13 kid open facebook because facebook IP address link with chelsea's facebook
some parents got disabled because of this reason.

it's stupid to open account for her own son. I hope chelsea knows the consequence when she open facebook for her 8yr son. the son's facebook would link to her or the son's biological father/current father whom chelsea married / marries.

this is stupid to open facebook (when family over 1 person, u need over 1 facebook) facebook has a rule, any one name on ID card can only have 1 facebook account.

but when you live in home, especially open facebook and use internet at home, all people open all registered facebook same IP. only idiot would help son open facebook. unless son over 13.
2017-01-16 1:04 pm
facebook not open your facebook name or URL to them, if underage only close them

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