F4 334選科問題 (need help)

2010-03-13 6:33 am
I am F2 now, but I want to know more about this, so I can make a decision easier when I am in F3.

1. If I want to be a doctor, I know that chem is required, but would bio help or 'add some marks' when entering university? If biology does help a bit for choosing medic, is it possible to self-study bio and take that GCSE A-level (assume I get A)? Also, do i need to be excel in some other specific subjects to choose medic(I know I must get good results in all subjects, but any particular one would be an advantage?)

2. What is the differences between econ and BAFS and their related jobs? If I want to study business in university, which 1 would be more useful? (assume I can only choose either one). And for BAFS, which elective part(accounting or management) would be more useful?

3. Should I take the british A-level and some other public exam and get more As for each of the subjects? Does it help?

4. My friends say M1 is more useful for business subjects, while M2 is better if you take science subjects. Is this true? And what if I take M2 and want to take business subjects or vice versa, is it ok?

thank you

回答 (2)

2010-03-13 4:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your English is very good and I think you should have been a top student in the school. My advice to you is if you have been very clear that you want to be a doctor in the future, put all your effort on the subjects related or relevant to medic, i.e., chemistry and biology. Of course, the three core subjects, Chinese Language, English Language, and Maths, are all important, while I think you should not have problems on them. Don't think about business subjects any more. It has no help for you to be a doctor. In my opinion, being a doctor is more professional and meaningful than being a businessman. These two kinds of people also differ in that the former is to help and save people, whereas the latter is to earn money from people. Anyway, wish you a great success in your future.
2010-03-15 4:42 am
1 phy +chem+bio
2 睇興趣
3 你喜歡 可以不用
4 yes + ok
參考: 自己

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