例句中既past perfect tense, 求解

2010-03-12 11:40 pm
China had lifted restrictions on the operations of foreign retailers as part of its
WTO agreement.

各位英文人,小弟了解past perfect tense 是用於動詞既比較, 比past tense 更早的動作. 不過觀乎此句似乎未合這原則.

小弟再翻查後, 知道conjunction 亦會影響past perfect tense 既使用. 不過書中例子只提及before, after, until 等, 並強調當conjunction 用於開頭時, 我們可以用past perfect tense.

究竟上述句中為何要用到past perfect tense? 是否由於as conjunction? 不放句子開頭都可以?

回答 (2)

2010-03-13 12:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
標準的文法書對past perfect tense當然會以相對past tense的時間次序作前後句 (你所說的conjunction句子),但是除此之不是這種寫作時也會出現不是比對式的past perfect tense。我相信你引用的WTO和Balano的tense是因為是一段report新聞報告或經濟報導等,所以要全都用past tense。而這些所形容的事件實際上作都想用perfect tense來表達它們是剛發生的事件,但由於全篇都用past tense,所以每每寫到原意為present perfect tense的事時,便改為past perfect tense。


由於世貿協議,中國已經撤銷對外國零售商...的限制 - 報告過去式。
Balano已經遇到嚴重的員工短缺,他們流失... - 報告過去式。

2010-03-13 9:32 am
All these three statements are in "Reported speech". When the tense in the original statement is in present perfect tense, it has to be changed to past perfect tense.
Report speech in general
Original tense ---> reported speech
present past
present perfect past perfect
past past perfect

China (original - has lifted) had lifted restrictions on the operations of foreign retailers as part of its WTO agreement

Some of Baleno's competitors (original - have already opened) had already opened directly managed stores in key locations.

Baleno's Fanchising Department (original - has also experienced) had also experienced severe staff shortage, with some staff leaving to help competitors in their franchising operations.

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